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《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件3


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《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件3《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件3

《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件3

Free talk

Learning English is very important. 

But also it’s difficult. 

What things are difficult for you in learning English?

new words : I can’t remember  

Listening: can’t understand spoken English

Speaking: be afraid to speak

Reading: read very slowly

Writing: can’t make complete sentences

Grammar: make mistakes 

... ... ...

Pair work

What things are difficult for you when learning English? Role-play conversations using the information from 1c and 1d.

A: I don’t have a partner to practice English with.

B: Maybe you should join an English club.

A: I can’t get the pronunciation right.

B: Maybe you should listen tapes.

A: I forget a lot of new words.

B: Maybe you should write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.

A: I can’t always understand when people talk to me.

B: Maybe you should join an English language club to practice speaking.

... ... ...


1. We should read aloud to practice our p_____________.

2. As teachers, we must be p_______ with our students.

3. He is careless, so he always makes many m________ in his homework.

4. Listening to the teacher carefully is the s_______ to becoming a good language learner.

5. I’ve learned a lot of k__________ from his report.


1. Are you _______ (害怕的) of snakes?

2. My teacher reads the article _________ (慢慢地).

3. He _________ (意识到) he had left his bag at home.

4. We should help the people in _________ (困难).

5. My mother doesn’t know our ________(秘密) plan. 

... ... ...

关键词:《How can we become good learners?》教学课件,人教版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《How can we become good learners?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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