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《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件2


《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件2《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件2

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件2

2b. Listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

next to   in front of  between   behind   across from   on

1.The police station is ________ the restaurant and the hospital.

2. The park is  ____________ the bank.

3. The hospital is ____ Bridge Street.

4. The pay phone is _______ the post office. 

5. The restaurant is ___________ the post office. 

6. The hotel is _______ the police station. 

... ... ...

(二)Language points 

1.next to 接近, 邻近(近义词near)

next to 的同义词是beside, 意为“在(某人或某物)旁边”。例如: 

She sits beside me. =  She sits next to me。

It is next to/near the hotel. 它邻近宾馆。

The pay phone is next to the post office.=

The pay phone is near the post office.


1. in front of  意为“在……前面”(在某范围之外)反义词 :behind 在…的后边(范围之外)

e.g. There is a car in front of the house.    

in the front of “在……前面”(在某范围之内)反义词: at the back of 在…后边(范围之内)

e.g. There is a table in the front of the classroom.

There is a map ______the classroom, and there is a big tree _____the classroom.

... ... ...

2c Ask and answer questions about the places in 1a on page 43.

A: Where’s the hospital? 

B: It’s next to the police station.

A: Where’s the restaurant? 

B: It’s next to the police station.

2d Read the conversation and answer the questions.

1.Is there a bank near here?


2. Where’s the bank?    


3. Is Center Street far from here?


... ... ...

Fill in the blanks according to 2d.

Tony: Hi, _________ me.

Linda: Yes. _________ can I help you?

Tony: Well, I’m new in ________. Is there a bank near here?

Linda: Yes, _________ is. It’s on Center Street. It’s ________ ________ the park.

Tony: ___________ Center Street?

Linda: It’s not _____ far from here. I can walk with you.

Tony: Oh, that’s great! Thanks so __________.

Linda: No __________.

... ... ...

 (一)语法    there be 句型的用法

1.there be 句型表示“某地有某物”, 其结构为:

“There be + 某物/ 人 + 某地、某时”, 否定句是在be 之后加not, 疑问句是把be提到句首。


Yes, there is/are. 或No, there isn’t/aren’t. 



1.There ____ a pen near the ruler.

2.There ____ 2 books on the table.

3.There ____ a pen and two books on the table.

4.There ____ 2 books and a pen on the table.

... ... ...


1.There are some CDs on the desk. (改否定句及对划线部分提问)

There aren’t any CDs on the desk.

How many CDs are there on the desk?

2. There is a teacher in the classroom.(改一般疑问句,并否定回答及划线提问)

--Is there a teacher in the classroom ? 

--No, there isn’t.

Who is in the classroom?

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