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《What does he look like?》PPT课件2


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《What does he look like?》PPT课件2《What does he look like?》PPT课件2

《What does he look like?》PPT课件2

2b. Read the newspaper article. 

Which shows the real criminal?

An Interview Job

Joe Brown has a very interesting job.He is a police artist. Some people see crimes and then talk to Joe. They tell him what the criminal looks like. Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it  in the newspapers and on television to find him. 

... ... ...

2c. Read the article again and write what the word in the words in bold refer to.

1. He = __________________

2. it =   __________________

3. him=__________________

4. this=__________________

5. they= _________________

6. He =___________________

... ... ...

Language Points

1.And the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.警察把画像放在报纸和电视上来寻找此人。

police 意为警察、警方,可数名词,单复数不变。表达“一名警察”时,要用a policeman /policewoman

在英语中, 表达“在报纸上”用in newspapers .

在电视上,用on television ['teli,vi3ən].---on TV

2. Many people don’t always see things the same way so they may describe the same person differently.


(1)same  和 different 是一对反义词adj,same : 相同的,different :不同的。(be different from与......不同,be the same as与......相同)

same 用作形容词时,常用来修饰名词,且前面常加定冠词 the.

如: the same way  相同的方法,相同的方式。

the same person  同一个人。

differently (adj)不同地,在句中修饰动词describe。

(2) people 和 person

people  表示“人,人们”,为复数名词;person 为单个的人,有复数形式 persons 。如,2个人  two persons.

He is a very nice person.


There are a lot of people in the bus. 


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1.(   )Can you tell me ________ ?

A: what is your job   B: what your job is   C: your job is what

2.(     ) Tell the children ________ unhealthy food . It's bad for their health.

A: not eating     B: not to eat     C: to eat    D: eating

3.(     ) It's too cold today , why don't you _____ your coat ?

A: put up      B: put on     C: take off     D: take up

4.(     )---Do you want _______ orange ?   ---No, thanks.

A: more      B: other       C: another

5.(     ) They often answer the question _______.

A: different      B: differently      C: difference  

... ... ...


1. Tom likes to talk to his father.

Tom likes to _____ ______ to his father.

2. At last , he finishes the homework.

____ ____ ______ , he finishes the homework.

_____ , he finishes the homework.

3. What does he look like?

 What ______  he _______?

4.Tom looks like his father .

Tom_____ _____ his father .

Tom and his father  _____ _____ ______.

... ... ...

Ⅲ. 根据首字母和短文内容填空

Mrs Pang is our Chinese teacher. Do you k_____ her? And what does she l____ like? Let me tell you. She’s of m______ height, but a little b___ heavy. She has short brown and c_____ hair.She always wears a pair of g______ on her face. She is g___________, we like her very much. She loves to tell j_____, and she is very p_______ in our school. Can you r________ her?

Ⅲ. 翻译下列句子

Leo is tall and he has a medium build.

1. 里奥个子高, 而且长着中等身材.

Leo is tall and he is of medium build.

2. 凯茜有一头漂亮的, 长长的黑色的卷头发.

Cathy has beautiful long curly black hair.

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Ⅳ. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子.

1. What _____ the twins ______ ______?(长……样)

2. She is ____ _______  _______(中等身材), and 

she has ______  _____ (卷曲的头发).

3. I know you have a new friend ___ _____ ___.(在三班)

4. She always wears ___ _____ _____ (红裙子) and ______ ______ (黑鞋子). 

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