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《Why don/t you talk to your parents?》PPT课件5


《Why don/t you talk to your parents?》PPT课件5 详细介绍:

《Why don\t you talk to your parents?》PPT课件5《Why don\t you talk to your parents?》PPT课件5

《Why don't you talk to your parents?》PPT课件5


Problems and advice:

1. I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep.   

Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this evening?

2. I have too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like. 

Why don’t you go camping with your friends this weekend?

3. My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.

Why not read some interesting books at home?  

4. I have too many after-school classes.

Why don’t you talk about it with your parents?

5. I got into a fight with my best friend. 

Why not call him up?

... ... ...

Let's learn more new words.

1. relation n. 关系; 联系; 交往

e.g. Their relation seemed quite close. 


2. argue  v. 争吵;争论

e.g. The couple began to argue about the child’s education.


3. proper adj. 正确的;恰当的

e.g. It’s not proper to visit a friend too late in the evening. 


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3a Read the article quickly and answer the questions. 

1. What’s Sad and Thirteen’s problem?

He can’t get on with his family.  

2. How does he feel at home?

He always feels lonely and nervous.

Read the article again and fill in the blanks.

1. Sad and Thirteen has some _________. He can’t _______ his family. His parents _____ a lot. It’s the only ________ they have. When they _____, it’s like a big black cloud ______ their home. He doesn’t like it. 

His brother always watches TV whatever he wants until midnight. He _______ to let him watch his favorite TV show. So He always feels ______ and ________ at home.   

2. Robert Hunt thinks Sad and Thirteen should _______ these feelings to his family. He should _____ to help.

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3b Do you agree or disagree with Mr. Hunt’s advice? Why?

1. I agree with his advice. Because more communication can make family members understand each other better and know about the feelings they have. 

2. I don’t agree with his advice. I don’t think their parents should fight any more. They should care more about their children and spend more time with them.  



instead  argue  nervous  proper  explain 

1. My cousin is _______ in front of strangers.

2. He could not come up with a ______ answer.  

3. The TV shows are boring. Why not play cards _______?

4. I don’t want to _______ with you. It’s waste of time. 

5. Please _______ to her how to use a computer. 


1. All the ______________ (communicate) with the outside world was broken.

2. Jim is a doctor. His ________ (old)brother is an engineer. 

3. After high school Mike got a job instead of ________ (go) to university.

4. It’s very kind of you to offer _______ (help) us on the weekend. 

5. Firstly we don’t have much money, ________ (second) we are too busy.  

... ... ...


1. Read the article several times after school.

2. Make sentences with these words:

argue; whatever; instead; nervous;   

explain; offer to do sth.; 

communicate with…

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