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《What/s the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件4


《What/s the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件4 详细介绍:

《What\s the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件4《What\s the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件4

《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件4

1. Guessing game: What is it?

2.Know about pandas

Personality :(个性)cute, shy, lovely, beautiful…

Build : (体型)baby pandas:very small, pink

adult pandas:black and white very heavy

Food : milk/ bamboo, eat 10 kilos of food a day…

Live : (居住地)zoos, research centers

Others : can stand on two legs.

can live up to 20 to 30 years…

... ... ...

Read the article and do Exercise 1&2.

E1.The purpose of the writer is to ask us to: protect/save pandas

E2.Read and match each paragraph with the main ideas.

Paragraph 1   The reasons why pandas are endangered

Paragraph 2   The ways to save pandas

Paragraph 3   One day of panda keepers

Read Paragraph 1 and answer the two questions.

Q1. What is Lin Wei’s job?  

She is a panda keeper.

Q2. What can she do to for pandas?

Prepare breakfast for the baby pandas .

Wash, feed and play with them every day.

Can you do these jobs like Lin Wei?

Would you like to help pandas?

... ... ...

But pandas are in  great danger because they don’t have ____________ and the baby pandas often ____________ . Another reason is that pandas feed on bamboo, but humans____________bamboos forests .

We all should try our best to protect them. I think people should stop  ____________ the forests. We should protect pandas by ____________bamboo trees . We must teach children about____________of saving them. Or maybe we could____________.  

We all hope that in the future____________than now. 


1.小组作业:Surf the Internet to find more information about other endangered animals and then make your poster to ask humans to protect them. 

2. 个人作业


提示词:animal, favorite, endangered, protect, so that

要求:1. 使用全部提示词,并在语段中用下划波浪线“﹏”标出提示词 

2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义;

3. 词数为50词左右,最多不超过80词。

关键词:《What's the highest mountain in the world?》教学课件,人教版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What's the highest mountain in the world?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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