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《There are lots of games》PPT课件


《There are lots of games》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《There are lots of games》PPT课件《There are lots of games》PPT课件《There are lots of games》PPT课件

《There are lots of games》PPT课件


English school  Chinese school


English school or Chinese school?

In England, they ___ ______ tables.

We sit  ___ ____ in China.

... ... ...

Read and say.

A  The children sit around tables. In England

B  School starts at 9 o’clock. In England

C  The children sing songs together every morning. In England

D  The children sit in lines . In China

E  There are children’s paintings on all the walls. In England

What's on the wall?

There are children’s paintings on all the walls.

What do English children do at break time?

Children can have fun at break time.

... ... ...

Read and choose.

(     ) 1. There are children’s_____ on all the walls.

A. photos     B. paintings     C. writings

(     ) 2. Do they study hard?

A. Yes, they do.    B. No, they don’t.

(     ) 3. They _______ every day.

A. play basketball   B. dance  C. do homework

... ... ...

Work in groups

This is an ______ school.

There are children’s_____ on  all the walls.

There are lots of ______.English children can ______ at break time.

They _____ hard. They ________ every day.

Finish our task!

Let’s write a letter to Sam and Amy, and talk about our shool life!


... ... ...

What time do you get up?

What time does your school start?

What time does it finish?

What do you do at break time?

What is your favourite subject?

What time do you go to bed?

trees    flowers   paintings   photos  games   play basketball      

play football   sing songs   study hard   do homework             

Dear Sam and Amy,

How are you? Let me introduce my school to you.

There are many _______.

There are children’s _______ on the wall.

There are lots of _______.

We can __________ at break time.

We ___________.

We __________every day.

Love from,

(Your name)

... ... ...


1.Read the text for 5 times. (读课文5遍)

2.AB: U2M8, ex 1,2.

3.A reading exercise.

4.A writing exercise.  (一张书写练习)

关键词:《There are lots of games》教学课件,外研版一起点五年级上册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《There are lots of games》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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