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《Have you got the Harry Potter videos?》PPT课件4


《Have you got the Harry Potter videos?》PPT课件4 详细介绍:

《Have you got the Harry Potter videos?》PPT课件4《Have you got the Harry Potter videos?》PPT课件4

《Have you got the Harry Potter videos?》PPT课件4

Guessing game

Diary (日记)

Sunday , Fine 

Today I went to the library with Amy. We wanted to ___the Harry potter ____. The ___is nice. ……She ____the books to us.

DVDs,  librarian,  show,  borrow

Listen and answer:

1. Have they got the Harry Potter DVDS?

A.Yes, they have. 

B.No, they haven’t. But they have got the books.

2. How long they can have the books?

A.In two weeks.

B.In one week.

Listen and underline  sentces with“have got”

(划出含有have got 的句子)

Have you got the Harry potter DVDs?

Sorry , we haven’t got the DVDs.

But we have got the books.

You have got lots of Harry Potter books here.

... ... ...

Grammar tips   Have got “有”

1. 描述某人有某物的句型:

  主语+ have got\ has got +物品

2. 描述某人没有某物的句型:

主语+ haven’t got\ hasn’t got +物品

3. 询问某人是否有某物的句型:

---Have \ has +主语+ got +物品?

---Yes, 主语+have\ has.

---No, 主语+haven’t\ hasn’t.

... ... ...

Group work:(小组合作)

Read together(齐读)

Read in roles(分角色)

Read one sentence by one sentence. (一句一句)

Act out (表演)


DVDs,   librarian,  show,  borrow

Have you got the Harry potter DVDs?

Sorry , we haven’t got the DVDs.

But we have got the books.

You have got lots of Harry Potter books here.

... ... ...


1.Read Module 3 Unit 1.

2.Borrow books and videos   in English in our library corner.  

Library Rules

Show your library card.

Give the books back in two weeks.

Amy and Lingling are at the _____.Amy wants to borrow the Harry Potter_____.  But they_____the DVDs. They only____ the books. Amy and Lingling have got lots of books there. Children ____Harry Potter in China. Amy has a______.She should ____ the books in ____ weeks.

关键词:《Have you got the Harry Potter videos?》教学课件,外研版一起点五年级下册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Have you got the Harry Potter videos?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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