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《There are thirty students in my class》PPT课件2


《There are thirty students in my class》PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《There are thirty students in my class》PPT课件2《There are thirty students in my class》PPT课件2

《There are thirty students in my class》PPT课件2

English numbers

1.one    6.six

2.two    7.seven

3.three  8.eight

4.four   9.nine

5.five    10.ten

11.eleven   12.twelve

13.thirteen  17.seventeen

14.fourteen  18.eighteen

15.fifteen    19.nineteen


... ... ...


computer  furniture  picture

television=TV  wall

What's the weather like today?

It is cool today.

What's our class like ?

It is big.

Look at the pictures and talk about them.

blackboard, book, classroom, computer,

desk, furniture, map, picture, television, wall

Listen and choose the correct picture in Activity 1.

20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty

60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety

... ... ...

Ask and answer :

1.How many students are there in our class?

There are forty students in our class.

2.How many boys are there in our class?    

There are twenty-one boys in our class.

3.How many girls are there in our class?

There are nineteen girls in our class.

Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 

Q1: What’s Linda’s classroom in England like?

It is really big.

Q2:How many students are there in Daming’s classroom?

There are forty students.

... ... ...

Listen and underline the correct answers.

1. In Linda’s school there are 20/30 students in a class.

2. In Daming’s class there are 20/40 girls.

3. There is / isn’t a computer on Linda’s teacher’s desk.

4 .Is there a map of Englsnd in Linda’s classroom ? Yes , there is./ No, there isn’t.

5. Are there any pictures on the walls of Daming’s classroom ?   

Yes , there are./ No, there aren’t.


Is there a blackboard in the classroom? 

Yes, there is.

Is there a map of the world on the wall? 

Yes, there is.

Are there any computers in the classroom?

Yes, there are.

Are there any televisions in the library?

No, there aren’t.

... ... ...

Language points:

1. What’s … like? = How…?



What’s the weather like? 

How’s the weather?

2. everyone, every one

everyone 只能用来指人= everybody,名词单数

every one既可指人,也可指物 = each one,后面可跟介词of 


Everyone(Everybody)in our class likes English. 

Every one of our classmates likes English.

every day & everyday

everyday 每天的 形容词 adj. 名词前

every day 每天 副词短语 adv. 句尾


I enjoy my everyday life.


I enjoy every day.

... ... ...


there be结构表示在某地有某人或某物。

there be结构中的be与后面紧跟着的名词保持单复数的一致。

例如:There is some water in the bottle.

there be结构的否定句是在be后加not.

其缩写形式为: is not=isn’t  

are not=aren’t


根据汉语句子, 完成英语句子, 每空一词.

1. 我们班有35名学生。

_____ ___ _________ _______ in our class.

2 . 我们学校有一个图书馆。

_____ ___ ___ _______ in our school.

3. 桌子上面有一根香蕉和两个苹果。

_____ ___ a banana and two apples on the table.

... ... ...

Share time

We are lucky, so cherish what we have.

Let’s study hard and try to help them!




there be结构中的be的单复数取决于后面紧跟的名词。

there be结构的疑问句是把be提前。


... ... ...


1. There ___some water in the bottle.

A. is        B. are    C. be      D. am

2. There aren’t___birds in the sky.

A. some   B. a      C. an      D. any

3. ___there a pen in the box?

A. Am      B. Is      C. Are     D. Be

4. How many___are there in the classroom?

A. boy    B. boys    C. girl     D. student

5. There ___ a lot of tall buildings in the city.

A. is      B. am     C. are     D. be 

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