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《Language in use》My school day PPT课件2


《Language in use》My school day PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Language in use》My school day PPT课件2《Language in use》My school day PPT课件2

《Language in use》My school day PPT课件2

What’s the time,  please ?

It’s one o’clock. 

It’s ten  eleven .

It’s eleven  fifty .

It’s six  nine .


What time is it ?

It’s  six o’clock in the morning

It’s three o’clock  in the afternoon.

It’s nine o’clock in the evening

It’s five o’clock

It’s half past five

It’s twelve o’clock

... ... ...



在早上:in the morning

在下午:in the afternoon

在晚上:in the evening


在星期一:on Monday……


在五点:at five …..

... ... ...

Read and fill : my school day

1、I ____at seven.

I don’t ____at half past seven.

2、I______at eight.

I _________at half past eight.

3、I ______at twelve.

I_________at half past eleven.

4、I ______at three. 

I _________at four.

5、We _____at four.

We________at five.

... ... ...

Li Lei’s Sunday

I don’t go to school on Sunday. I go to the park on Sunday.

There are many people in the park . I don’t play games . I see many flowers there .They are very beautiful .

I have lunch in the park .Then I have a rest .

At one o’clock, I go home . I have a good time on Sunday.

... ... ...


1. We have Chinese at eight o’clock.

2. I don’t have maths. 

3. —Do you like maths?

—Yes, I do.

4. In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family.


1. 要表达经常性或习惯性的动作,要使用一般现在时。如:

I do my homework in the evening.


2. 要表示现在的状态,也可以用一般现在时。如:

I know him very well.



I do my homework in the evening.


I like English very much.


... ... ...


1. We have ____ English at 9:00 and have ____ break at 10:00.

A. an; a       B. /; a      C. an; /

have 在本句中意为 “上课”,have English=have an English lesson/class上英语课,have意思很多,“吃、喝、有”等,如:have breakfast/lunch/dinner  吃早饭(午饭、晚饭)。

2. They have an English lesson ____ three o’clock ____ Tuesday.

A. at; on   B. in; on   C. at; in

英语在表示不同的时间概念时要用不同的介词,at 是表示在几点钟或几时几分;on表示在某月某日或星期几或特制某天的上午、下午或晚上;in 表示在上午(下午、晚上),或在某周、某季、某月、某年。

3. I like hamburgers ____ some meat in them every morning.

A. have   B. for  C. with

with 表示“具有、带有”,另外还有“加上,包括……在内” 的意思。如:China is a beautiful country with a long history. 


... ... ...


1. He usually gets up very early _____ the morning.

A. at            B. in      

C. on           D. for 

2. We arrived in Beijing ______ the morning of October 1st.

A. in            B. on      

C. at            D. during

3. He joins the army (军队) ______ 2008.

A. in           B. on       

C. at           D. /

4. I usually go to bed ______ half past nine. 

A. in           B. at 

C. on          D. for

5. Ann helps Lily with her homework ___ eight o’clock ____ Sunday. 

A. on; in      B. in; on      

C. at; on      D. on; on

6. Class is over. Let’s go out and_____. 

A. get up      B. go to bed     

C. have a break    D. have dinner 

二、选择正确的介词 (at, in , on) 完成下面的句子。

1. We have history __ the afternoon.

2. I go to school __ half past seven.

3. Do you have a piano lesson __ Saturday?

4. They do their homework __ ten o’clock.

5. What time do you go to school __ the morning?

6. The children have computer lessons __ four o’clock __ Fridays.

... ... ...

Schools in the USA

Students must study a science, but they can choose whether (是否) to take chemistry, physics or biology.

Many students go to school in a school bus.(学校的公共汽车)

But many students study to drive(开车)at 16. They  go to school in their own(自己的) car.  

... ... ...

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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