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《Language in use》A trip to the zoo PPT课件


《Language in use》A trip to the zoo PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Language in use》A trip to the zoo PPT课件《Language in use》A trip to the zoo PPT课件

《Language in use》A trip to the zoo PPT课件



We get up very early.

He gets up very early.


I don’t live in the city.

She doesn’t live in the city.

总结:单数第三人称行为动词一般现在时的否定形式是在行为动词前加doesn’t (does not)。


... ... ...


① 一般在词尾加-s。help-helps

② 以s, x, ch, sh 结尾, 加-es。wash-washes

③ 以辅音加o结尾,加-es。go-goes

④ 以辅音加y结尾,变y为i,加-es。 study-studies

Complete the sentences with does or doesn’t.

1.—______ this panda come from China?

—Yes, it ______.

2.—______ this panda eat fish?

—No, it ________.

3.—______ this monkey like fruit?

 —Yes, it ______.

4.—______ this monkey live in Africa?

—No, it ________.

5.The zebra _______ like meat.

... ... ...



1. This animal _____ black and white. 

A. are     B. aren’t     C. don’t     D. is 

2. — Can your father drive?

— Yes, and he usually _____ to school.      

A. drove     B. is driving     C. drives     D. has driven

3. — _____ it eat fruit?    — Yes, it _____.

A. Is; is       B. Are; are           

C. Does; does    D. Do; do

4. Zebra is an _____ animal.

A. Asia       B. Africa        

C. Asian     D. African

5. — Shall we _____ to the zoo now, Lingling?

— Good idea.             

A. going    B. to go   C. go     D.   goes

... ... ...

Complete the sentences.

1. The snake ________ (come) from America.

2. Snakes ______ (live) in Asia, Africa, America, Australia and Europe.

3. The monkey ________ (eat) fruit.

4. Monkeys ______ (come) from South America.

5. The wolf ______ (live) in the forests.

6. My sister often _______ (cook) after school.

7. Tom usually ______ (go) to bed at ten.

8. They sometimes _______ (read) after supper.

9. Lily never _______(draw) on Saturday.

10. My father always _________ (drive) a car to work.

11. Sam and Tom often _______ (talk) in English class.

12. He _____ (see) films on Monday evening.

... ... ...


One 代词 代替上文中出现的单数名词,以避免重复。

e.g. My bike is old, I want to buy a new one.


Eg.– Yesterday I lost my pencil. I couldn’t find _____. 

-- Oh, it is a pity. You’d better buy ____ this afternoon.

Find out 

找出 查明

Eg. We have to find out who broke this window.

Find VS look for

Find  找到 强调找的结果

look for 寻找 强调找的动作 

Eg. I found the book he was looking for.

... ... ...


How to describe animals?


I. Writing goal: Learn how to describe the animals.  (写作目标:学习如何描写动物)

II. Learn to write step by step. (分步练习)

Step One: 先来复习一下常见动物的单词

狗________ 大象________狮子_______ 熊猫________树袋熊_______[kəʊ'ɑːlə] 

企鹅_________ ['peŋgwɪn]    猴子________

长颈鹿_____ 海豚_______老虎______['dɒlfɪn] 

Step Two: 如果让你描述一种动物, 你会从哪些方面着手呢?

1. What kind of animal is it? 

It is a dog / cat / bird ...

2. What is its name?

Its name is ... / We call it ...

3. How old is it? 

It is ... years / months ... old.

4. Which country is it from? 

It is from ... / It comes from ...

5. What is it like?(它有什么特点?)

It is clever / smart / friendly ...It is a little / kind of ...

6. Why do you like it? 

Because it is ...

7. What food does it eat? 

It eats ... / Its favorite food is ...

8. Do you have any interesting stories about it?

... ... ...


Write 5 sentences about your favorite animal.

Use the words you know.

Tell where it lives, what it looks like, what it likes to eat …

Show and talk about your poster to other students.

Its name is …

It comes from …

It lives …

It eats …

Its favourite activity …

I like it because …


你最喜欢什么动物呢?请以“My favourite animal”为题, 写一篇短文。

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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