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《Language in use》Population PPT课件2


《Language in use》Population PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Language in use》Population PPT课件2《Language in use》Population PPT课件2《Language in use》Population PPT课件2

《Language in use》Population PPT课件2

Language practice

Beijing is a huge city. 

It takes an hour to get there by bus.

That’s almost one fifth of the world’s population.

That makes over 131.4 million births a year.

1. Work  in pairs. Match the countries with their populations. 

1  China                    a)      4,437,000

2 the USA                 b)    22,956,000

3 Australia                c)   314,791,000

4 New Zealand         d)  1,370,537,000

2. Read your answers to Activity 1 to the whole class.

China has a population of…

Now listen and check.

... ... ...

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

few   good   much  small

1 We believe the schools in Arnwick are very good, and we are working to make them even_______ .

2 Their flat is too large for two people. They want to find a _______one.

3 Anna always talks about her ideas. I think she needs to listen _______.

4 There are a lot of parks in this city. I think there are _______parks in a lot of other cities.

6 Complete the diagram showing population problems. Use the words in the box to help you.

air      city      country   hospital      increase 

public      service         traffic          water

Problems of Arnwick

People move from_______

People arrive in _________

Problems: Population___________

... ... ...

Language points

Beijing is a huge city. 


huge 在这里表示“大,巨大”。另外表示“大”

的还有“ big, tall, vast, large, great” 等。


例如  a tall woman 一个高个子妇女

a tall horse 一个高大的马 



He is high up in the tree.  


The plane is so high in the sky.  


⑶ 指建筑物、山时要tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。  

⑷ high可作副词,tall不能。  

⑸ tall的反义词为short, high的反义词为low。

... ... ...


用a, an, /, the 完成下列句子。

1. ____ Knowledge is power.

2. I earn 10 dollars _____ hour as _____ supermarket cashier on Saturdays. 

3. The teacher asked us to write _____ 800-word-long composition.

4. I met _______ Jay, but not ____ one you know.

5. They are twins, so they are of _____ age.

6. He has _____ fine collection of paintings.

7. I don’t want to have words with you. I prefer to have ____ word with you.

... ... ...


1. Beijing has got____population of more than 13.8 million. 

A. the    B. a     C. an    D./

2. The _____ traffic stopped me from going to school on time yesterday. I was late! 

A. heavy B. crowded   C. fast    D. quick

3. Mrs. White isn’t feeling well these days. She has made _____ with the doctor at three this afternoon. 

A. a movement    B. an interview 

C. a quarrel      D. an  appointment

4. I don’t like those big cities which have got ____ people and ____ traffic. 

A. too much; too many  B. many too; too much

C. too many; too much  D. too many; much too 

... ... ...


Make a graph and share with your classmates.

Recite all the words and phrases of this unit.

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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