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《Do you collect anything?》Hobbies PPT课件2


《Do you collect anything?》Hobbies PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Do you collect anything?》Hobbies PPT课件2《Do you collect anything?》Hobbies PPT课件2

《Do you collect anything?》Hobbies PPT课件2


Ⅰ. 选词配图

stamp, shelf, coins, dollars

答案: 1. coins 2. stamp 3. shelf 4. dollars

Ⅱ. 句型展示

1. 让我看一看。你有这么多的扇子。

Let me_____ _____ _____. You’ve got_______ _______fans. 

2. 它们一定很有价值, 我可以看看吗? 

They_____ _____really valuable. Can I see them? 

3. 我的爱好花费和你的不一样多。

My hobby doesn’t cost______ ______yours. 

答案: 1. have a look; so many 2. must be

3. as much as

4. 人们也收藏东西仅仅是为了记住他们生活中重要的东西。

People also collect things just______ _______ ______ _______in their lives. 

答案: to remember something important

... ... ....

Lead in

Talk about hobbies.

1. What do you like to do in your free time?

2. Do you like collecting anything, such as stamps, fans or coins?


邮票 n.   stamp

隔板;架子 n.  shelf

看;瞧 n.  look

看一看  have a look

硬币 n.  coin

英镑 n.  pound

(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位) 元 n.  dollar  

... ... ...

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. 

coin  dollar pound  remember   shelf  somewhere

Many people collect things, like postcards and toys. They like to put them (1) _______ special to look at. Lingling collects fans and keeps them on a (2) ____ in her bedroom. Betty collects (3) _____ and notes, such as British (4)______ and US (5)_______. 

She also collects stamps from all over the world. Tony collects tickets but Betty thinks that they cannot do anything with old tickets. Lingling thinks that people enjoy collecting things just to (6) ______ something important in their lives.

Ask and answer questions about your hobbies.

1.What is your hobby?

2.Why do you enjoy your hobby?

3.When did you start doing it?

4.How often do you…?

5.Where do you…?

... ... ...

Language points

1.Which hobby do you think takes up the most space?


take up意为“填满,占据(某空间或时间)”。例如:That big color TV set takes up too much room. 那个大彩电太占地方。

most是much的最高级,“最多的”;much的比较级是more,“较多的,更多的”,在句中通常用来修饰不可数名词。例如:He’s the best teacher because he has the most experience. 他教得最好因为他有最多的经验。

2.Sorry, it’s a bit of a mess. I’ll put the fans on the shelf.


a bit 表示“稍微、一点儿”,可以用来修饰动词以及形容词、副词的原级、比较级。a bit of 表示“一点儿”,可以用来修饰名词。例如:This book costs a bit (too) much. 这本书有点(太)贵了。

We have a bit of time. 我们有点时间。


What a mess! Let’s put these books on the shelves.


... ... ...


Ⅰ. 单项选择

1.My father’s new car  ______him one hundred thousand.

A.spent    B. cost     C. paid    D. took

2.—Which hobby do you think______ the least time?

—Collecting stamps.

A. takes up    B. puts up   C. gives up   D. makes up

3. —Oh, it's raining hard.

—Be careful! The road_____ be wet.

A. could   B. must        C. might     D. need  

4. We spend all the time ____ our hobbies.

A. in      B. at     C. /     D. on

5. Is there _______ in today’s newspaper?

A. new anything       B. anything new    

C. something new    D. new something

Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词

1. We don’t need to use s_______ if we send emails on the Internet.

2. Is there a book on the s________. Please pass it to me.

3. His brother likes collecting c_____. He never spends them .

4. —Is this old chair v_______?

—Yes, it cost much money.

5. —How much is the book? 

—It is five d_____ and thirty cents.

... ... ...

关键词:《Do you collect anything?》教学课件,外研版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Do you collect anything?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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