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《Hobbies can make you grow as a person》Hobbies PPT课件4


《Hobbies can make you grow as a person》Hobbies PPT课件4 详细介绍:

《Hobbies can make you grow as a person》Hobbies PPT课件4《Hobbies can make you grow as a person》Hobbies PPT课件4

《Hobbies can make you grow as a person》Hobbies PPT课件4

Read and find:

1.占据   take up

2.有点乱  a bit of a mess

3.在书架上  on the shelf

4.看一看  have a look

5.如此多扇子  so many fans

6.大部分  most of

7.和…一样  as … as

8. 收集硬币和纸币  collect coins and notes

9.集邮  collect stamps

10.重要的东西  something important

11.在某人的一生中  in one’s life

12.火车票  train tickets

... ... ...

Guessing game

Let’s guess what hobbies they are.


I don’t like climbing because

I am not a professional climber.


People like dancing because it’s relaxing.

mountain biking

Young people like mountain biking because it’s exciting.


I like painting. It’s creative. You can draw everything you imagine in your mind.

... ... ...


1. Scanning and skimming. 

1) What hobbies does David have?

Writing, playing volleyball and many other things.

2) What is David’s special hobby?


2. Read and tell true or false.

1. David Smith likes writing.

2. He learned writing during a summer camp of 2000.

3. There was a professional writer on the camp.

4. David wrote a story about his life in senior high school.

5. David’s first book came out in 2012.  

6. His book was very popular.

7. Writing was   his only hobby in his free time.

... ... ...

Language points

1. Many students have hobbies, such as reading…and looking after animals.

such as 表示“比如, 例如”

The shop is selling many things, such as school things, food and toys.

look after (+ sb / sth) = take care of   照顾; 照看

His parents was out, so he has to look after his little sister at home.

2. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. 


make sb do sth  

make sb + adj. 

make sb + n.

His jokes made us all laugh. 


Listening to music can make me happy.


We make him our monitor. 我们选他当班长。

make you grow as a person: 使你健全成长   

as   prep. 介词 这里表示“作为”。

He began to teach in that school as a math teacher in 2000.

develop your interests    培养你的兴趣

develop 表示“发展,形成,成长,提高”。

This course can help you develop your speaking skills. 

Tom has developed into a strong leader.

... ... ...


1 .Which hobby do you think _____the least time?

A. takes up       B. clears up 

C. stands up     D. grows up

2. —Do you collect ______ , Kate?

—Yes. I collect stamps.

A. the car   B. anything 

C. everything    D. nothing

3. There is ______ in today’s newspaper.  

You should read it.

A. important something

B. important nothing

C. nothing important

D. something important

4. Mr Green wrote a book. It ____last month.

A. took out   B. turned out 

C. came out  D. went out

... ... ...


1.Which ______ (活动) do you like better, camping or swimming?

2.Watching sports gave him great ______(愉悦).

3. He is a very nice p_____ to work with.

4. Workers are learning a new s______.

5. It takes hard work to achieve s_______.


Work in pairs. Talk about what hobbies are good for people and develop your interest.

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