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《Don/t cross that rope》Museums PPT课件3


《Don/t cross that rope》Museums PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Don\t cross that rope》Museums PPT课件3《Don\t cross that rope》Museums PPT课件3

《Don't cross that rope》Museums PPT课件3

Words and expressions

upstairs  adj. 位于楼上的 adv. 往楼上;在楼上

exhibition   v.    展览;展览会

rule  adj. 规则;法则

against the rules   n. 违反规定

in trouble   遇上麻烦;处于困境

tail   v. 尾;尾巴

rope  v. 粗绳;绳索

entry    n. 进入权;进入许可

No entry.   禁止入内。

no good    不合适的;不方便的

no wonder  难怪;不足为奇

missing  adj. 找不到的;失踪的 

downstairs  adj. 位于楼下的 adv. 往楼下;在楼下

punish  v.   惩罚;惩处

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1.To listen and understand the conversation in a museum

2.To learn some key words and useful expressions 

3.To learn to talk about the rules in some places, such as classrooms and museums


upstairs  exhibition  rule  tail  rope  entry  missing  downstairs  punish


against the rules   in trouble     

no good    no wonder


No entry/shouting/photos.

— Must we keep quiet in the classroom?

— Yes. No shouting in the classroom.

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1.Match the signs with the rules.

1 Don’t touch.

2 No smoking.

3 No shouting.

4 No photos.

Now work in pairs. Tell your partner the rules.

2.Listen and answer the questions.

1 Where did Lingling find the guide?

She got it from the Internet.

2 How many people are going to the museum on Saturday?

Three (Betty, Lingling and Daming).

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Listen to the conversation and answer the questions below.

1. Why did Lingling go to the Animal Room upstairs?

They go to the Animal Room upstairs because Lingling need some information for her project.

2. What did the guard stop Daming from doing?

He stopped Daming from crossing that rope.

3. Where did the guard advise them to go after Lingling lost her mobile phone?

He advised them to go downstairs to the lost and found office.

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Language points

1. No shouting, please! 请不要大声喧哗!

Don’t cross that rope! 不要越过那条绳子!

No entry.  请勿入内。


1) No +动名词(最常用)

例如: No joking! 不要开玩笑!

No parking! 禁止停车!

2) No + 名词


No photos.   请勿拍照。

No food and drinks.  请勿饮食。

3) 祈使句


Don’t make any noise.  不要吵闹。 

Keep off the grass.  请勿践踏草坪。

2. No wonder the place is empty!


no wonder是It’s no wonder that的省略形式,意为“难怪……”。 当我们弄清楚了某件事的原由, 便不会对此感到奇怪, 经常会来一句“难怪”。如果你想表达更加具体的含义的话, 就在后面加完整的句子。

No wonder you look so upset. 


It’s no wonder that the earth is becoming warmer and warmer. 


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1. against the rules

2. in trouble

3. the lost and found office

4. No entry/shouting.

5. — Must we keep quiet in the classroom?

— Yes. No shouting in the classroom.

Spelling Bee

Now 2 mins to test your spelling.

1. English-Chinese

upstairs   downstairs   missing   rope against the rules  exhibition  tail

2. Chinese-English 

禁止入内。惩罚;惩处  不合适的;不方便的   难怪;不足为奇    

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I. 从方框内选择合适的词填空。

missing    entry     punish    upstairs      

1. When Mr Wang arrives, please ask him to go ________ for the meeting.

2. We can’t go along that road because the sign says “No _______”.

3. He ________ the children for their carelessness.

4. The book has two _______ pages.

II. 根据句意完成下列句子。


It’s ______ ______ _______ of the school to smoke.    

2. 雨下得太大了。难怪你来晚了!

It rained quite heavily.  ________ _______ that you were late!

3. 禁止喧哗!同学们正在安静地做作业。

_______ _______! The students are doing their homework quietly.

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1. Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.

2. Search for some information about the Science Museum in London.

3. Read the articles in Learning English.

关键词:《Don't cross that rope》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Don't cross that rope》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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