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《If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum》Museums PPT课件3


《If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum》Museums PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum》Museums PPT课件3《If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum》Museums PPT课件3

《If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum》Museums PPT课件3


Read the passage and answer the question.

How is the Science Museum different from other museums? 

It is noisy, and you can touch things and do experiments there.

Read the passage1 and answer the question.

1.The Science Museum is noisy.

2. Usual museum is the most friendly in London?

Read the paragraph 2&3 and answer the question.

1. What can you learn about in the rooms on the second and third floor?

A. medicine   B. environment    C. art

2.  What allows you to see inside your body?

A. X-ray    B. maths     C. physics

3.  What can you do in the Launchpad?

A. see movies     B. play sports  

C. physics experiments

... ... ...

different 不同的 形 > be different from difference 不同之处名

The Science Museum is ________ (difference) from the other museum

fill … with …  用…装入…   

… full of …  …装满……

be filled with = be full with “被…装满”

1.If you want answers to all your questions about science, this is the right place for you. 

2. if you want to fill a bag with sand, you have to control a kind of truck on wheels .

3. if you ever go to London, make sure minutes or stay all day. 

if 条件状语从句,+祈使句



3.“if 引导条件状语从句,+祈使句”这种结构可用来表达建议。

... ... ...


Step 2: Write a passage. Use the table and Activities 3 and 6 to help you.

1. Are there many museums in your hometown?

2. Which one is your favourite?

3. What is special about the museum?

4. What can you see or do there?

Possible answer:

There are several museum in my city, including the History Museum, the Science Museum, and even a Space Museum. I like all the museums, but I think I like the History Museum best. It has visiting exhibitions from all over the world. Once I saw some treasures from ancient Egypt there. Another time, they had an exhibition of Roman war engines. It was amazing! The museum is open every day except Thursday. I want to visit it again soon! 

... ... ...



1. as well

2. compare…with…

3. fill…with…

4. …, you can learn about what medicine was like in the past.

5. People talk about what they can see and do here.

6. If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.

... ... ...


1.Preview the use of imperative sentences and adverbial clause: if… do. 

2.Write a passage about your favourite museum.

关键词:《If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《If you ever go to London make sure you visit the Science Museum》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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