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《Language in use》Eating together PPT课件2


《Language in use》Eating together PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Language in use》Eating together PPT课件2《Language in use》Eating together PPT课件2

《Language in use》Eating together PPT课件2

Lead in

I have been asked to decorate the hall.

Pizza was invented in Italy.

Lunch is eaten later.

Knives and forks are used for most food.

There is some food which can be eaten with your fingers. You’ll be invited to serve yourself.

If you’ve been given something you don’t like, it should be pushed to the edge of the plate and left.

... ... ...

Activity 1

1.Lunch ______daily from 12 pm to 2 pm.

2.Food ___________into the bedrooms.

3.The garden______now open for meals.

4.The hotel ________in 1835.

5.No more tickets for the show__________after 11 am.

Activity 3

This is a model answer:

A man was eating snacks at a restaurant. He put his hand into the bowl, but didn’t notice a bee in it. He picked up the bee with the snacks and put them into his mouth. The bee stung him in his throat as he was swallowing the snacks. Later the restaurant was closed down because hundreds of bees were found in the kitchen by food inspectors.

... ... ...

Answer the questions about the words in the box.

bread, cake, cheese, chicken legs, 

grapes, hamburgers, salad, soup

1.Which types of food can be eaten as finger food? 

Bread, cake, cheese, chicken legs, grapes and hamburgers.

2.Which food should be eaten with a spoon?


3.Which food is often served in a basket?


4.Which food is always served in a bowl?

Soup. (Salad is sometimes served in a bowl ,but not always.)

... ... ...

Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1.What’s your favourite Chinese finger food?


2.When is a spoon used, instead of chopsticks?

When I drink soup or porridge.

3.Do you use knives and forks in  your home?

No, never.

4.What food do you usually have on a plate, and what in a bowl?

I usually have vegetables,meat,beef,or fish on the plate. Some soup or porridge in a bowl. 

... ... ...

Describe a special or unusual meal you have eaten.


Where and when you ate it 

Who you were with

Why the meal was special or unusual

What happened during the meal

What happened at the end of the meal

What the nicest thing about the experience was







1. They  make  shoes in  that factory.


Shoes    are made    (by them) in that factory.


S(主语)+am/is /are  +过去分词

2. They   bought   ten computers last term. 

Ten computers were bought  (by them) last term.


S+was/were +过去分词

3.They will finish the work in ten days.

The work will be finished (by them) in ten days.


S+ will+be+过去分词

... ... ...


一般现在时:S+  am/is /are +  done

一般过去时:S+  was/were  +  done

一般将来时:S+    will    +  be + done

情态动词:S+ can/may/must/should+ be+ done

现在进行时:S+  am/is/are  +  being+ done

现在完成时:S+ have/has + been+ done

... ... ...



l. ______ you _____ to the dinner?

A. Are; invite  B. Do; invite

C. Have; invited         D. Have; been invited

2. His homework _______ at home yesterday evening.

A. finished                     B. was finished 

C. has finished              D. will be finished

3. It _______ six years since his grandfather died.

A. is B. was    C. had been  D. will be

4. This kind of food _______ in a basket.

A. serves  B. served  C. should serve   D. should be served

Ⅱ. 根据中文完成句子

l. 吉姆被选去参加足球比赛了。

Jim has ____ ______to take part in football games.

2. 每个人将被要求唱首英文歌曲。

Everyone ______ _____ _____ to sing an English song.

3. 允许他们进办公室吗?

Will they _____ ______ ______ enter the office?

4. 莎士比亚的戏剧在中国非常受欢迎。

The play _______by Shakespeare is very popular in China.

5. 我母亲允许我去看足球赛了。

I am _____ by my mother ______ go to watch the football match. 

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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