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《Have you ever been to an English corner?》English for you and me PPT课件2


《Have you ever been to an English corner?》English for you and me PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Have you ever been to an English corner?》English for you and me PPT课件2《Have you ever been to an English corner?》English for you and me PPT课件2

《Have you ever been to an English corner?》English for you and me PPT课件2

How much do you know English?

English is spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language. 

Small Quiz

Let’s do a small quiz to tell the national flags of different countries, and find out the languages spoken in these countries.

in the USA--American

in Great Britain—English/British

in Canada--Canadian

in Australia --Australian

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Vocabulary and listening

Look at the photo and answer the questions.

Which is more difficult…

1. speaking to your classmates or speaking to people from the UK or the US?

2. doing English exercises or reading English stories?

3. understanding written English or spoken English?

Words and expressions

achieve   v. 完成,达到

including  prep 包括,包含 

speaker  n. 说某种语言的人

... ... ...

Listen and choose the correct answer:

1. How was Tony’s dad made progress in learning Chinese?

a) He has been to classes

b). He has practised it every day

c) He did not do anything special

2. According to Tony’s dad, what do you need to do to be good at a foreign language?

a) You need to be very bright

b) You need to work hard

c) You need to go to classes

3. What does Tony’s dad think about Chinese?

a) It is easier than English

b) It is most difficult than English

c) It is as easy as English

... ... ...

Complete the sentences in your own words.

1 Some people think English is difficult to learn because _______________.

2 You’ll find a lot of fun in learning English if _________________.

3 You can go to an English corner if ________________.

4 It is good to meet other speakers of English, although _______________.

5 Lingling does not have to go to an English corner because ___________.

Complete the questions with the correct form of the words in the box.

achieve    progress    require    speaker

1 How much have you _____ this year in English? Have you made much _______?

2 How can you get more practice with English _______ from the UK and the US?

3 What does it _____ to learn English well?

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Language points

1. I think I’ve achieved a lot.

achieve: gain or reach something usually by effort, skill, courage. (通常借努力、技巧、勇气等)获得或达到(某事物)。名词:achievement成就,业绩

achieve a lot 获得很多

achieve one’s goal 达到某人的目标


By working hard we can achieve anything.


If you work hard, you’ll achieve success.

2. Some People think English is too difficult and requires too much effort to learn it well.

require too much effort   需要太多的努力/付出

much effort 意为“许多付出”

require 有两种用法

1. require doing=require to be Vpp 要求被

The floor requires washing.

2. be required to do sth.表示主语必须(被要求)...如:

Students are required to attend classes. 学生必须按规定上课 

All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。 

3. How much progress do you think you’ve made in English this year?

make (much) progress :取得(很多)进步

make (great) progress in + 方面 在某方面取得很大进步


We have made great progress in English.

... ... ...


1. It’s also the subject that I ‘m best at, although my spoken English is not that good.

2. But if you keep trying, you can make progress quickly and find a lot of fun in learning it.

3. I can speak English with you whenever we meet.

no matter when = whenever 不管什么时候

whoever不管谁, wherever不管哪儿 = no matter + 疑问词

连接让步状语从句时,however, wherever ……之类的结构在口语中可用no matter how / where……结构替代。如:

No matter who you are, you should obey the law.

= Whoever you are, you should obey the law.

No matter when he comes, he always brings some presents.

= Whenever he comes, he always brings some presents.

Wherever you are, you can hear people speaking English.

= No matter where you are, you can hear people speaking English.

关键词:《Have you ever been to an English corner?》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Have you ever been to an English corner?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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