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《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件7


《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件7 详细介绍:

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件7《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件7

《Is there a post office near here?》PPT课件7

学 习 重 点

单词: post, office, police, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, town, front, pay, across, around, behind, near.

短语: post office, police station, pay phone, across from, in front of. 

句型: 1. --- Is there a hospital near here? 

---Yes, there is. It’s on Bridge Street.

2. The pay phone is across from/ next to/ in front of/ behind the library.

3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library.

4. I’m new in town. 5. It’s not too far from here.

... ... ...

预 习 检 测


1. __________ prep.& adv. 在......周围;大约

2. __________ n. 旅店 

3. __________ n. 银行

4. __________ prep. 在…附近  


5. 付费电话___________  

6. 邮局________________   

7. 在……前面___________

8. 在城里______________

9. 离……远的___________

10. 在……对面____________

11. 与……相邻____________ 

12. 警察局______________

13. 在……和……之间_________

... ... ...

思 考 探 究

There be 结构表示“某地或某时有某物或某人”。

肯定句:There is/are +名词+地点“某处有某物”

否定句:There is/are + not +名词+地点“某处没有某物”

一般疑问句:Is/Are there +名词+地点?“某处有某物吗?”

肯定回答: Yes, there is/are .     

否定回答:No, there isn’t/aren’t.

1) --- ______ there a bank near here?   

--- Yes, ______ ____. No, _______ _____.

2) --- _____ there any hotels near here? 

--- Yes, _______ ___. No, ______ _____.

※ There be 结构有就近一致原则。

3) There ___ a pay phone and two hospitals in the city. 

4) There ____ two hospitals and a pay phone in the city.

pay phone 付费电话; 这里的pay 是名词, 意为“付费”。

5) Is there a ________ near here? 这附近有付费电话吗?

pay也可做动词,意为“付费”。Did you pay for the book?你付那本书的钱了吗?

pay 构成的短语有:pay for sth. 付款买某物

... ... ...

in front of  & in the front of 的区别

1. in front of 通常指物体或人位于另外的物体的外部的前面。意为“在……的前面。”

e.g. The pay phone is in front of the shop.(在商店外的前面)

2. in the front of 通常指在某个物体本身或范围之内的前面,意为“在……之内的前面。”

e.g. There is a chair in the front of the room. (在房间内的前面)


... ... ...


(    ) 1. ---______, is there a bank near here?       

---______, I don’t know. 

A. Excuse me; Sorry     B. Sorry; Excuse me   

C. Excuse me; Excuse me  D. Sorry; Sorry

(    ) 2. The restaurant is _____ the post office.

A. next to   B. next

C. near to   D. the next to

(    ) 3. --- Are there any pay phones around here?  --- ______.

A. Yes, there is      B. No, there isn’t  

C. Yes, there are    D. No, there are

(    ) 4. The pay phone is _____ Center Street.

A. to   B. on   C. at   D. next 

(    ) 5. The post office is not ____ here. You can go there on foot. 

A. near  B. far from  C. next to  D. behind

... ... ...


6. The library is across _____ my home.  

7. Tuesday is _______ Monday and Wednesday.  

8. Is the hospital ______ the park or far ____ it? 

9. The restaurant is in ______ of the post office. 

10. The supermarket is _____ to the school.  


11. 我可以和你一起走过去。   

I can ________ you.

12. 那家饭馆在图书馆的对面。

The restaurant is _________ the library.

13. 她的家离学校很远,因此他坐公交车上学。

Her home is too ________ school, so she goes to school by bus.

14. 在酒店的对面有家大超市。

_______ a big supermarket _________ the hotel.

... ... ...


Sun and Linda usually 16. ___ to school 17. ___ car. They live 18. ____ Center Street. They pass (经过) a supermarket, a park and a bank. The bank is 19. _____ to the supermarket. Amy 20. _____ to school by bus. She passes a bank and a post office. The bank is across 21. _____ the post office. Mary goes to work by bike. She rides (骑车) past (经过) a library and a hotel. The library is 22. ___ the post office 23. _______ the park. The hotel is in 24. _____ of the park. There is a pay 25. ______ near the hotel.

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