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《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件12


《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件12 详细介绍:

《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件12《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件12《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件12

《Have you read Treasure Island yet?》PPT课件12

课 前 预 习


1. 珠宝;财富 n. ___________ 

2. 岛 n.______________

3. (书或报刊的)页;面 n.__________ 

4. 船n. __________


5. full of_________________

6. hurry up ______________

7. finish reading ________

8. grow up ______________

9. the back of __________

10. in two weeks __________


11. --Have you ever read Little Women yet?  

 --Yes, I have already read it.

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. How many ______ (页) have you read?

2. My mother has a box full of ________ (珠宝).

3. There are some big _______ (岛) in our country.

4. The book report is _____ (到期) in five days.

5. H_____ up, Mom! It’s already 7:15. I will be late.


6. —你看过《哈利波特》吗?  


- _______________  Harry Potter?    

-Yes, I  _______________.

7. 《雾都孤儿》是关于一个小男孩出海并且发现一个满是珍宝的小岛的故事.

Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and __________________.

8. 你决定英语课题写哪本书了吗? 

_____ you __________which book _________ for English project?

... ... ...


(    ) 11. --Have you got ready the beach towels 

________? --________, I haven’t.

A. yet; Yes    B. already; Yes 

C. yet; No     D. already, No

(    ) 12. — Is it an exciting book? 

— Yes, it’s_______ excitement.

A. up to B. instead of

C. full of D. at least

(    ) 13. — Where are you going for your holiday?  

— Well, we _____yet.

A. haven’t decided    B. hadn’t decided     

C. don’t decide    D. didn’t decide

(    ) 14. _____, or you'll be late for school.

A.Look up B.Put up C.Turn up D.Hurry up

(    ) 15. — I have just finished reading half of the book.

— You should hurry up. It is due two days.

A. for  B. after  C. at  D. in 

... ... ...

课 后 作 业


(    ) 1. “No man is ____ island.” is well-known. But I don’t know who is ____ writer.

A. an, the     B. the, an    

C. the; the    D. an; a

(    ) 2. .-Have you watered the plants ______?

-Yes, I have.

A. already    B. yet    

C. never      D. ever

(    ) 3. Jimmy _____ the book last month but he _____ even one page. 

A .borrowed, didn’t read

B. has borrowed, didn’t read

C. borrowed, hasn’t read

D. has borrowed, hasn’t read

(    ) 4. Robinson Crusoe is really exciting, so I can’t ____.

A . lie it down  B. put it down

C. write it down   D. cut it down

... ... ...


It was my first day at Grade 7. And the first lesson was  1  English. When I was doing nothing, Mr. Gough, our new English teacher,  2 into the classroom. 

To my surprise, he held up a book, The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe, and asked “Who  3  it yet? ”. I put my hand up, because Poe was my favorite writer. Mr. Gough asked if I really understood  4  the author tried to say in his book. My reply made him  5 , and he asked me to write an essay on that subject. 

After that, English classes became a new interest for me. Mr. Gough thought that students had to  6  a play to understand it. “Don’t just read it, ” he said. 

As time passed, we  7  a real friendship. He encouraged me to be a(n)  8  in the future. When I left school, he said to me, “You have a gift for writing, Tony, and one day you’ll come to realize how  8  it is. Make use of it if you want your life to be complete. 

Some years have passed. Now every time I sit down to write something new , I think of Mr. Gough. He was  10  an English teacher, because he also taught me useful lessons in life. 

(   ) 1. A. boring   B. bored  C. interesting     D. interested

(   ) 2. A. walks  B. walked  C.was walking  D.is walking

(   ) 3. A. reads   B. read  C. has read      D. had read

(   ) 4. A. if B. when  C. how    D. what 

(   ) 5. A. hurt   B. sleep   C.smile   D. cry

(   ) 6. A. work out  B. act out  C. put out  D. come out

(   ) 7. A. take up  B. make up  C. give up  D. set up

(   ) 8. A. writer B. actor  C. waiter  D. teacher

(   ) 9. A. careful  B. beautiful  C. useful   D. thankful

(   ) 10. A. up to  B. more than C. no longer   D. at least

... ... ...

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