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《Colour》RevisionPPT 详细介绍:




1.彩虹 rainbow        2.忧愁   unhappiness 

3.悲哀  sadness        4.行为 behaviour

5.平静的  calm         6.发现 discover

7.满意的  satisfied    8.许诺 promise

9.热量(n.)  heat        10.成功地 successfully

11.困难(n.)  difficulty   12.苍白 pale

13.决定   decision     14.油   oil

15.影响 influence /affect  16.黑色(皮肤的) dark

17.需求  require        18.皮肤 skin

19.建议(vt.)  advise    20.免费的   free               

21.或许   perhaps      22.想法   thought

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1.Calm colours _______(代表)_______(放松的)moods.

2. I’m in a good _______(心情) now for I saw a __________ (彩虹) this afternoon.

3. Yellow can _______(提醒) you of a warm, sunny day.

4. Grace Alexis is _________ (满意的) with the _________ (气候) in Australia. 

5. Everyone seemed to have a secret or was just not acting ________ (正常地). Their _________ (行为举止[不可数名词]) was a little strange.

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《Colour》PPT,第三部分内容:Useful phrases


1.对……有好处  be good for

2.使某人想起某事  remind sb. of sth.  

3.感到有压力  feel stressed 

4.宁愿做…… prefer to do sth./ would rather do sth.

5.穿在某人身上好看 look good on sb.

6.做决定 make a decision

7.给你一种快乐和满足 give you a happy and satisfied feeling

8. 苍白皮肤的人们 people with pale skin

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1. would rather do sth than do sth  

2. prefer doing  sth. to doing  sth

3. prefer A to B  4. prefer to do sth. 


Jim _______ basketball __football .


He   _______________   to school _________ a bus .

He   _____________   to school _________ a bus .


I__________________ at home ________  outside yesterday.

I _________________ at home ________ outside yesterday.

I think he prefers ________ (to have, having) rice for lunch.

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一、someone / somebody , anyone / anybody , no one / nobody

1.Listen ! ___________is knocking at the door .

2.Is there ____________in the classroom now ?

3. ____________  would like to do it .It’s so hard .

4.I can’t see ___________ in the fitting room .

5. __________   can do it except Tom.

二、something , anything ,nothing ,none

1.There is __________ wrong with my computer . 

2. Is there _________ wrong with your computer?

3.There is _______________________wrong with my computer . It works well.

4._________of us knew the answer .

5.---Mum , is there any bread for breakfast ? 

----No, there is ____________.

6.----Are there any tomatoes ?

-----No. There are _______.We ate them all .

(1) 在陈述句中用anyone / anybody / anything 指的是任何一个人或一件事.

e.g. You can do anything you like .

(2) 修饰不定代词的形容词要后置.

e.g. Do you need anything else ?

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1.---The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting  story I’ve ever read.(08年 南京)

---But I am afraid it won’t be liked by_____.

A. everybody     B. somebody

C. anybody        D. nobody

2.---What’s wrong with my son, doctor?(11年 南京)

---_____serious. Just a slight cold.

A. Something     B. Anything

C. Nothing         D. Everything

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Q1: Daniel is in a bad mood. He gets angry easily. He needs to calm down.

Your advice:

Q2: Daniel doesn’t sleep well these days. 

He always feels tired. He thinks he needs more energy.

Your advice:


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