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《Teenage problems》Integrated skillsPPT


《Teenage problems》Integrated skillsPPT 详细介绍:

《Teenage problems》Integrated skillsPPT《Teenage problems》Integrated skillsPPT《Teenage problems》Integrated skillsPPT《Teenage problems》Integrated skillsPPT

《Teenage problems》Integrated skillsPPT

第一部分内容:Teaching Aims

1.Knowledge :

To get information from a student profile.

To get information from a conversation.

To write notes about a student profile.

Learn to share problems and give advice 

2. Ability:

To develop students’abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

3. Emotion:

Encourage students to face problems bravely and correctly and to be happy, lively teenagers.

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《Teenage problems》PPT,第二部分内容:More details about Nora

1. Her name is Nora.  She is a Grade 9 student.

2. She loves_______, ______and__________.

3. She studies hard, and she always does well in______.

4. She is one of the _______________in her class.

What problems do you think Nora may have?

1. She is not very good at sports.

2. She doesn’t have many close friends

3. she wants to make more friends in my class.

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《Teenage problems》PPT,第三部分内容:Listen again and answer the following questions.

1. She is good at sports, isn’t she?

--No, She isn’t .

2. What is Mr. Friend’s Advice on Nora’s PE class?

--Try her best in PE class and enjoy the exercise.

3. What should she do when someone laughs at her?

--Pay no attention to the classmates who laugh at her. 

Fill in report—paragraph 1&2

Nora is one of the 1)_______________in her class at Sunshine Middle School. Her favourite subjects are2)_______, 3)____________and 4)__________.

Nora does well in exams, but she still has some problems. She is not very good at sports. She cannot 5)_________and hates 6)_____________. 

Also, sometimes her classmates 7)____________her and call her a bookworm. This makes her feel bad.

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《Teenage problems》PPT,第四部分内容:Pair work

Task 1

Do you have the same problems as Nora and Daniel?

Make out a dialogue and learn to share problems and give advice.    

Task 2

Simon wrote a letter to you about his problems. YOU are writing a reply telling how to deal with them. 

YOU can use the sample conversation below

S1: I’ve got a problem / I’m worried about… …

S2: I’m sorry to hear that. / Can I help? / Are you worried about something?

S1: I think about / am worried about / I’m afraid of … …

Can you give me some advice?/ What should I do?

S2: I think you should…/     Why not/ why don’t you …. /  

What about/ how about …   …

S1: You are right. 

S2:  I think you will feel better if …. /  Do your best and try not to worry so much. 

S1:  I’ll try. Thanks for help.

S2:  My pleasure.  

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《Teenage problems》PPT,第五部分内容:My advice:

Having a problem is nothing to be worried about

Don't worry

Be full of love 

Learn to share 

1. 作为一个尖子生,不要在意那些嘲笑你的人。  (pay attention to)

As a top student, don’t pay any attention to the persons who laugh at you

2. 他刚刚回答了我的问题。 (reply to =answer)

He has just replied to my questions.

3.老师没有告诉我在数学课上做什么。(what to do)

The teacher didn’t tell me what to do in Maths lessons.

4.你应当为你的学习感到骄傲。  (be proud of )

You should be proud of your study.

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《Teenage problems》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework:

1.Remember the new words and phrases.

2.Preview Study skills

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