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《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT


《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT 详细介绍:

《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT

《Life on Mars》ReadingPPT


1. To learn something about life on Mars

2. To learn the words and phrases in this passage

Words and Expressions

Mars n. 火星

helmet n. 头盔

air tank n. 氧气罐

dried food n. 干粮

power pack n. 电源包

sleeping bag n. 睡袋

gravity n. 重力

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第二部分内容:Focus on


planet        polluted    rapid    increase

passenger  rapidly      tasty     compare


all over again    at a/the speed of

in the form of    compare to/with


It is hoped that…

Here is what life there could be like.

Our spacecraft are too slow to carry…

Robots would do most of their work so that…

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第三部分内容:Discussion

Do you think it is possible for human beings to live on Mars?

Let’s enjoy a video.

How can we get to the Mars? 

1. At present our spacecraft are too s_____ to c_____ large numbers of people.

2. With the development of technology, the spacecraft can travel at the speed of l_____ .

3. The journey to Mars might only take 20 m_____

What do we eat on Mars? 

1. Nobody knows whether there would be enough w______ or o___________ on Mars

2.Scientists are not sure whether p______ will grow on Mars.

3. Food would most probably be in the form of pills  

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第四部分内容:Fill in the blanks.

The Earth is becoming more and more crowded and polluted _________ the _____________ in population. It is hoped that people could start ____________ on Mars. Here is what life there could be. __________ 2100, the journey to Mars might only take about 20 minutes in spacecraft that travel _____________ light! And food would most probably be ____________ pills and would not be so ______. 

People would have to _______ boots that are specially designed to prevent themselves ________________ (float off )into space. At the same time, people on Mars would have more space. They might live in houses with huge comfortable rooms. Also, robots would do most of their work _______ they could have more time to relax. Life on Mars would be interesting __________ challenging.

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第五部分内容:用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

1. There is less air ________ (pollute) in town that in the city.

2. Look at the newest T-shirt. It’s made of cotton. I think it will become __________ (fashion) this summer.

3. It’s ______(high) possible that people can live on Mars in the future.

4. Grandma is too old _______ (settle) on another planet.

5. The helmet is made of metal. It’s too heavy. When I wear it, I feel _____________ (comfort).

6. My father cooks very well. The food he cooks is as ______ (taste) as that in the restaurant.

7. Here are many kinds of moon cakes for you_________ (choose) from.

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《Life on Mars》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework 

1.To make a list of the things that an astronaut uses

2. Learn all the words in this class by heart.

关键词:牛津译林版九年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《Life on Mars》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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