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《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT


《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT 详细介绍:

《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT

《The Internet makes the world smaller》SectionB PPT


From Section A, we knew something about the uses of the Internet.

We can do shopping at home.

The Internet can help us find the way.

We can enjoy movies on the Internet.

We can study on the Internet.

We can chat with our friends.

We can listen to music to relax.

We can read books we like.

... ... ...

《The Internet makes the world smaller》PPT,第二部分内容:Key points

I’m sure you can find lots of information on the Internet now.

be sure ( that ) + 句子      确信…… ; 肯定……

I’m not sure if that is a good idea.

be  not sure if/whether + 句子    不确定……是否……

Eg : 我确信他会来参加我的生日晚会。

I _______________ he will come to my birthday party.


He ____________________ he will go to my birthday party.

... ... ...

《The Internet makes the world smaller》PPT,第三部分内容:Practice

Work in pairs and make up conversations with the sentences in the box.


A: I’m sure there are many interesting things to see on the Internet.

B: I’m not sure whether/if it is good to shop online.

Discuss in groups about what you saw or heard on the Internet. 

Then make a report and present it to the class.

A: I saw/looked at/watched…

B: I’m sure …

C: I visited the website and a reporter said …

D: I’m not sure if/whether …

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《The Internet makes the world smaller》PPT,第四部分内容:Do the exercises

Choose the best answer.

1. Computers are very useful to us, but students shouldn’t ____ too much time ___ them.

A. spend; in       B. cost; /   

C. spend; on      D. take; to 

2. We can shop ___ the Internet ____ going to the shops.

A. on; without    B. in; without   

C. in; for             D. on; with

3. – We  can use QQ to chat online.

--Really ? Could you please show me ______ it ?

A. what to do     B. how to do   

C. when to do    D. why to do

4. I’m  _____ sure _____  computers can work in our heads well .

A. /; whether     B. not; that  

C. not; if      D. quite; whether

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《The Internet makes the world smaller》PPT,第五部分内容:Summary

We master  the drills :

be sure that +句子

be not sure if/whether + 句子

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《The Internet makes the world smaller》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1. 收集更多网络在我们日常生活当中的用途。

2. 背诵1a。

关键词:仁爱版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,《The Internet makes the world smaller》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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