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【目录】冀教版六年级英语下册PPT课件 详细介绍:



unit1Sports 1Ping-pong and Basketball 2At the Sport Shop 3Let's Play! 4Did You Have Fun? 5A Basketball Game 6A Famous Football Player Again,Please! unit2Good Health to You! 7Always Have Breakfast! 8Always Brush Your Teeth! 9Eat More Vegetables and Fruit! 10Exercise 11Work Hard! 12Helen Keller Again,Please! unit3What Will You Do This Summer? 13Summer Is Coming! 14Tomorrow We Will Play 15Jenny's Summer Holiday 16Li Ming's Summer Holiday 17Danny's Summer Holiday 18Three Kites in the Sky Again,Please! unit4Li Ming Comes Home 19Buying Gifts 20Looking at Photos 21A Party for Li Ming 22Surprise! 23Good-bye! 24Danny's Surprise Cake Again,Please! 期中考试期末考试
  • 《Ping-pong and Basketball》Sports PPT
  • 《Ping-pong and Basketball》Sports PPT课件
  • 《Ping-pong and Basketball》Sports PPT教学课件
  • 《At the Sport Shop》Sports PPT
  • 《At the Sport Shop》Sports PPT课件
  • 《At the Sport Shop》Sports PPT教学课件
  • 《Let's Play!》Sports PPT
  • 《Let's Play!》Sports PPT课件
  • 《Let's Play!》Sports PPT教学课件
  • 《Did You Have Fun?》Sports PPT
  • 《Did You Have Fun?》Sports PPT课件
  • 《Did You Have Fun?》Sports PPT教学课件
  • 《A Basketball Game》Sports PPT
  • 《A Basketball Game》Sports PPT课件
  • 《A Basketball Game》Sports PPT教学课件
  • 《A Famous Football Player》Sports PPT
  • 《A Famous Football Player》Sports PPT课件
  • 《A Famous Football Player》Sports PPT教学课件
  • 《Again,Please!》Sports PPT
  • 《Always Have Breakfast!》Good Health to You! PPT
  • 《Always Have Breakfast!》Good Health to You! PPT课件
  • 《Always Have Breakfast!》Good Health to You! PPT教学课件
  • 《Always Brush Your Teeth!》Good Health to You! PPT
  • 《Always Brush Your Teeth!》Good Health to You! PPT课件
  • 《Always Brush Your Teeth!》Good Health to You! PPT教学课件
  • 《Eat More Vegetables and Fruit!》Good Health to You! PPT
  • 《Eat More Vegetables and Fruit!》Good Health to You! PPT课件
  • 《Eat More Vegetables and Fruit!》Good Health to You! PPT教学课件
  • 《Exercise》Good Health to You! PPT
  • 《Exercise》Good Health to You! PPT课件
  • 《Exercise》Good Health to You! PPT教学课件
  • 《Work Hard!》Good Health to You! PPT
  • 《Work Hard!》Good Health to You! PPT课件
  • 《Work Hard!》Good Health to You! PPT教学课件
  • 《Helen Keller》Good Health to You! PPT
  • 《Helen Keller》Good Health to You! PPT课件
  • 《Helen Keller》Good Health to You! PPT教学课件
  • 《Again,Please!》Good Health to You! PPT
  • 《Summer Is Coming!》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT
  • 《Summer Is Coming!》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT课件
  • 《Summer Is Coming!》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT教学课件
  • 《Tomorrow We Will Play》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT
  • 《Tomorrow We Will Play》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT课件
  • 《Tomorrow We Will Play》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT教学课件
  • 《Jenny's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT
  • 《Jenny's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT课件
  • 《Jenny's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT教学课件
  • 《Li Ming's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT
  • 《Li Ming's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT课件
  • 《Li Ming's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT教学课件
  • 《Danny's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT
  • 《Danny's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT课件
  • 《Danny's Summer Holiday》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT教学课件
  • 《Three Kites in the Sky》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT
  • 《Three Kites in the Sky》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT课件
  • 《Three Kites in the Sky》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT教学课件
  • 《Again,Please!》What Will You Do This Summer? PPT
  • 《Buying Gifts》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
  • 《Buying Gifts》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件
  • 《Buying Gifts》Li Ming Comes Home PPT教学课件
  • 《Looking at Photos》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
  • 《Looking at Photos》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件
  • 《Looking at Photos》Li Ming Comes Home PPT教学课件
  • 《A Party for Li Ming》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
  • 《A Party for Li Ming》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件
  • 《A Party for Li Ming》Li Ming Comes Home PPT教学课件
  • 《Surprise!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
  • 《Surprise!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件
  • 《Surprise!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT教学课件
  • 《Good-bye!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
  • 《Good-bye!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件
  • 《Good-bye!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT教学课件
  • 《Danny's Surprise Cake》Li Ming Comes Home PPT
  • 《Danny's Surprise Cake》Li Ming Comes Home PPT课件
  • 《Danny's Surprise Cake》Li Ming Comes Home PPT教学课件
  • 《Again,Please!》Li Ming Comes Home PPT

【目录】冀教版六年级英语下册PPT课件 下载地址:



