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《At the Airport》Li Ming Goes to Canada PPT课件


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《At the Airport》Li Ming Goes to Canada PPT课件《At the Airport》Li Ming Goes to Canada PPT课件《At the Airport》Li Ming Goes to Canada PPT课件《At the Airport》Li Ming Goes to Canada PPT课件

《At the Airport》Li Ming Goes to Canada PPT课件


1. Li Ming arrives today!

This is our friend Li Ming. Li Ming lives in China. He is coming to Canada! He wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English! Li Ming arrives today! Today is September 1. He will go home on June 25. That’s ten months!

... ... ...

At the AirportPPT,第二部分内容:知识讲解

知识点 1

He is coming to Canada!他要来加拿大!

这个句子是现在进行时,现在进行时的句型结构为“主语+be动词+动词的ing形式+其他.”,用来表达某人将要做某事。现在进行时除了表示现在正在进行的动作,还可以表示将来时。现在进行时表将来时,常表示“意图”“安排”或“打算”的含义,这种表达法比较生动,给人一种期待感,通常表示最近或较近的将来,最常用的动词有come,  go, arrive(到达),  leave(离开),  start,  begin(开始)和return(返回)等。

例句:My brother is leaving for America. 我的弟弟正准备动身去美国。

典例  They ________ to the zoo.

A. goes  B. is going     C. are going

Canada /  kænədə/ n.加拿大

例句:My sister lives in Canada. 我的姐姐住在加拿大。

形近词:banana 香蕉 

短语:in Canada 在加拿大

... ... ...

知识点 2

arrive /ə'raɪv/ v.到达

例句:I arrived home at 8 o’clock.我8点钟到家。

短语:arrive in / at...  到达……

同义词:get 到达  


辨析:arrive 和get


(1) arrive 后面接地点副词here,  there,  home 等时副词前面不加介词。

(2) arrive 后面一般接介词in 或at。arrive in 后面一般接较大的地方,如城市或国家等arrive at后面一般接较小的地方,如村庄、乡镇、超市、车站或机场等。

... ... ...

2. There’s Li Ming!

Danny: Look at the clock. It’s half past four.

Jenny: Yes. Li Ming’s plane will arrive at five o’clock.

Danny: What time is it now?

Jenny: It’s 4:45. Please sit down..

Danny: What time is it now?

Jenny: It’s 5:15.

Danny: But I can’t see him.

Jenny: I see him!There he is!

Jenny: Hi, Li Ming!.

Li Ming: Nice to see you!

Danny: Nice to meet you, too!Did you have a good trip?

Li Ming: Yes, thanks, but I’m tired.

Danny: Let’s go home!

... ... ...

At the AirportPPT,第三部分内容:当堂检测


1. —Jenny, please help me carry the books !

—I ________.

A. come  B. is coming       C. am coming

2. This is my friend. He ______ Chinese _______ my father.

A. learns; to   B. learnt; in     C. learned; from

点拨:短语learn from...意为“向……学习”。

3. I will ______ you my new dress.

A. show       B. shows        C. showing


4. ______ you go to the park with me next weekend?

A. Will        B. Would        C. Is

点拨:由“next weekend(下周末)”可知,句子应该用将来时。故选A。

5. Look at the _____ on the wall. It’s eight ______.

A. clock; clock      B. watch; clock      C. clock; o’clock

6. Sorry, I have no ______ to go with you.

A. time      B. a time    C. times

点拨:time 当“时间”讲时,是不可数名词,所以选A。句意是“对不起,我没有时间和你一起去。” 

7. — _________is it now?

—It’s eight o’clock.

A. What     B. How time   C. What time


A. in        B. /         C. at        D. to

(1) How do you get _______ here ?

(2) Peter arrives _______ the station at 6:00.

(3) Dalong is coming ________ New York.

(4) My grandmother arrived _________England last week.

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At the AirportPPT,第四部分内容:课堂小结


重点词汇:Canada, arrive, time, clock, half

重点短语:arrive in/at…, have a good trip

重点句式:He is coming to Canada.

—What time is it now?    

—It’s 4:45.

Did you have a good trip? 

关键词:冀教版六年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,At the AirportPPT下载,Li Ming Goes to CanadaPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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