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《Colours and Feelings》Body Parts and Feelings PPT


《Colours and Feelings》Body Parts and Feelings PPT 详细介绍:

《Colours and Feelings》Body Parts and Feelings PPT《Colours and Feelings》Body Parts and Feelings PPT《Colours and Feelings》Body Parts and Feelings PPT

《Colours and Feelings》Body Parts and Feelings PPT



1.掌握重点单词:(预习中掌握 :question, sick, smile mean) 



(1) In English, we use many colours for our feelings.

(2) Blue can mean”sad”.


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Colours and FeelingsPPT,第二部分内容:Lead-in

Warm-up: Brainstorm(热身:头脑风暴)

Write down as many words about colours and feelings as they can. (尽可能多地写出关于颜色和感受的词语)

red   blue      white...

sad   happy   angry... 

... ... ...

Colours and FeelingsPPT,第三部分内容:Presentation

Do you know the new words?

singer ['sɪŋə]] n. 歌手

Michel Jackson is one of my favorite singers. He sang a lot of songs.

feeling ['fi:lɪŋ] n. 感觉;情感(常用作复数)

—How do you feel? 

—I feel hot and I want to eat an ice cream.

question ['kwestʃən]  n. 问题

The girl wants to answer the teacher’s question. She’s really active.

sick [sik] adj. 病的;生病的

The child feels sick. 

She has a bad stomachache.

scared  [skeəd]  adj. 恐惧的

— What are you scared of? 

— I’m scared of scary animals.

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Colours and FeelingsPPT,第四部分内容:Practice

Strike while the iron is hot.(趁热打铁)

My mom and my aunt are both ______(sing).

These q__________ are easy to answer. 

You can see many s______ people in the hospital.

Look! The little baby _____________(smile).

Expensive _______(意思是) dear. 

I like ______________(听) music in my free time.

Work in pairs. What do you like or not like to do? What makes you feel happy, sad, angry, scared or sick? Talk about it, write it down and draw a picture.


I like to play with my friends. It makes me feel happy. 

I don’t like to watch scary movies. It makes me feel scared.

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Colours and FeelingsPPT,第五部分内容:Homework:

1.Read the text fluently and remember the expressions about colors and feelings.

2. Do the exercises 1 and 2 on Page 37.

3. Listen and read the passage“Bringing Color to Life and Tears to Eyes With a Natural Dye”to know more about colors.

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