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《Danny/s School Project》It/s Show Time! PPT免费课件


《Danny/s School Project》It/s Show Time! PPT免费课件 详细介绍:

《Danny\s School Project》It\s Show Time! PPT免费课件《Danny\s School Project》It\s Show Time! PPT免费课件《Danny\s School Project》It\s Show Time! PPT免费课件《Danny\s School Project》It\s Show Time! PPT免费课件《Danny\s School Project》It\s Show Time! PPT免费课件

《Danny's School Project》It's Show Time! PPT免费课件

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

describe, build, ago, army, important, tool, more,

try one's best,well done,make ... from ...,a little bit,

look like 

Key sentences:

1.For my project,I will describe some places and things from China. 

2.Just try your best. 

3.People built them a long time ago. 

4.  Well done.

5. Can you tell us a little bit more,please? 

6. We can make clothes from it. 

... ... ...

Danny's School ProjectPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Look and Say

They are the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi’an. These things are very old. People built them a long time ago. They look like an ancient army.

It’s a camel. It’s big and tall. It’s an important tool on the Silk Road. It lives in the desert.

... ... ...

Danny's School ProjectPPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions

describe  v. 描写;描述

eg. For my project,I will describe some places and things from China. 

build  v.( built\ built) 修建;建造

army  n.军队

They look like an ancient army.

After returning from France, he joined the army.

Her husband is in the army .

desert  n. 沙漠

This kind of animal lives in the desert.

important  adj. 重要的

It's important to learn English well.

tool  n. 工具;用具

Camel is an important tool on the Silk Road. 

more  adj & pron

Can you tell us a little bit more about silk?

... ... ...

Danny's School ProjectPPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read.

Danny: For my project, I will describe some places and things from China. You guess their names. 

Just try your best. Are you ready? Let’s begin!

These things are very old. People built them a long time ago. 

They look like an ancient army. 

What are they?

Jim: Are they the clay soldiers and horses from China?

Danny: Yes, you are right. They are the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi’an. 

Here are some pictures.

Jim: Wow! Cool pictures, Danny.

... ... ...

Danny's School ProjectPPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1.For my project,I will describe some places and things from China. 

describe 是动词,意为“描述,描写”,其名词为description (描写)。常用短语:describe...as... 把……描述成……,把…… 称为 ……

例:Why did you describe your diary as your best friend?你为何把你的日记称为你最好的朋友?

Describe how you did it. 谈谈你是怎样做这事的。

2.Just try your best. 

(1) just 常用在祈使句前,用来加强语气,表示对熟人客气的请求。例:Just open the door. 开开门吧。

(2) try one's best 竭尽所能,尽某人最大的努力。相当于 do one's best,可单独使用,后面也可以跟不定式短语,意思是“尽某人最大的努力做某事”。

例:They are trying their best to help us and we should thank them. 他们在尽最大努力帮助我们,我们应该感谢他们。

3.People built them a long time ago. 

(1) built是动词 build 的过去式,意为“修建”。build的过去分词也是built,现在分词为building;

名词形式有:building 建筑物 (与现在分词形式一致),builder 建造者。例:They want to build a school here.他们打算在这里建造一座学校。

(2)“一段时间+ago” 意为 “……以前”,在句子中表示过去的时间,它所在的句子需要用一般过去时。

例:We became friends years ago. 我们多年前成为了朋友。

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例:She often came to help us in those days.


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Danny's School ProjectPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1. I ________ (bring) back an MP5 from Hong Kong two weeks ago. 

2. People ______ (build) some clay soldiers and horses a long time ago. Now we call them the Terra Cotta Warriors. 

3. We must try our best ________ (learn) English well. 

4. I saw many _________ (colour) clothes in those clothing shops in the mall.

5. People ______ (make)  some clothes from the silk many years ago. 

6. I knew he _______ for a security firm. But he doesn't  work in it now.


look like    a long time ago     in many colours   

describe    an important tool

Danny’s project is to________some places and things from China. Some of the things are clay soldiers and horses. People built them________________. They________________an ancient army. Another thing is a picture of an animal. It’s ________________ on the Silk Road. It lives in the desert. The last one comes________________. People can make clothes from it. It’s silk. 

三、 单项选择 (1)

1. Lao She's Teahouse________ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. (天津中考)

A.describes B.improves

C.prepares D.corrects

2. I should try my best ________ English well.

A.learn B.to learn

C.learns D.learning

3. —Have you ever been to Shanghai?

—Yes.I ________ there a few months ago.

A.have been      B.went        

C.have gone      D.gone

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Danny's School ProjectPPT,第七部分内容:Summary

1. Learned some new words and phrases.

2. Learned to describe something in our own words. Learned the simple past tense.


1. Review and recite the imporant  points of Lesson 9. 

2. Write a description for some person, place or thing (other people should be able to guess what you are describing from reading your description).

3. Preview Lesson 10.

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