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《Li Ming/s Birthday》Families Celebrate Together PPT


《Li Ming/s Birthday》Families Celebrate Together PPT 详细介绍:

《Li Ming's Birthday》Families Celebrate Together PPT《Li Ming\s Birthday》Families Celebrate Together PPT 《Li Ming\s Birthday》Families Celebrate Together PPT

《Li Ming's Birthday》Families Celebrate Together PPT


Have you ever received an interesting gift?

How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

October 12

Dear Jenny and Danny,

Many thanks for the presents! The postman brought them to me yesterday. I love the jacket, Jenny. The style is in fashion here in China, and red is my favourite colour! You remembered!  

The jacket fits me very well. How did you know my size?

Danny, I also love the cap. I laughed and laughed when I saw it. It looks like your cap! I will think of you when I wear it.

My mother and father held a party for my birthday! They invited my friends, cousins, grandparents , uncles and aunts. We ate noodles.

... ... ...

Li Ming's BirthdayPPT,第二部分内容:Language points

1. many thanks for 因……而非常感谢

Many thanks for helping me. 


Many thanks for your help.


2.be in fashion 

be out of fashion

This kind of hats were in fashion in China ten years ago but nowadays they are out of fashion.


Do you know the fashion this year?


3. I laughed and laughed when I saw it. It looks  

like your cap! I will think of you when I wear it.


——What are you thinking of ? 你在想什么?

——I’m thinking of a way to help her.


I can’t think of the word for“ love” in French.


... ... ...

Li Ming's BirthdayPPT,第三部分内容:课堂练习

Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks.

Sara: Hi Wang Lei. I couldn’t wait to call you. Tell me about your birthday.

Wang Lei: It was a lot of fun. Thank you for the lovely _________.

Sara: Does the shirt _________ you?

Wang Lei: Yes. It’s just my __________.

Sara: How about the __________?

Wang Lei: It’s my favourite. You remembered!

Sara: And the ___________?

Wang Lei: It is in fashion here.

Sara:  I’m glad you like it. How about the cap?

Wang Lei: I like it, too. I will think of you ______ I wear it.

Sara:  Did you have a birthday party?

Wang Lei: Yes. My mum and dad held a party for me. We ate _________.Noodles are a __________birthday food in China. Eating long noodles means you will have a long __________.

Game: Word Relay

Students sit in rows. The first student in each row whispers the words breath, fashion, balloon, deep and candle to the next student. That student then whispers the words to the next student, and so on. The last student in each row comes to the front of the class and writes the words on the board. The row that has the most correct words wins. The rows that do not win have to make sentences using at least three words.

关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Li Ming's BirthdayPPT下载,Families Celebrate TogetherPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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