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《Let/s Sort Garbage》Save Our World! PPT


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《Let\s Sort Garbage》Save Our World! PPT《Let\s Sort Garbage》Save Our World! PPT《Let\s Sort Garbage》Save Our World! PPT

《Let's Sort Garbage》Save Our World! PPT


1. Don’t forget to turn the light ____ when you leave. 

A on  B off  Cup   Ddown 

2.We shouldn’t ___________ the waste paper ______(扔掉)

3.Nobody ____________(come)to school  in a car.

4.I saw you _________(play) football when I came to school.

5.He can sing the English song(被动) 

The English song ______ ______ ______ by him

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Let's Sort GarbagePPT,第二部分内容:认知学习目标

New words

sort          v &n       分类,整理

empty      v & adj   把…倒空, 空的

metal       n            金属

plastic     n & adj    塑料

recycle    v              回收再用,再循环

amount   n             数量  

litter        n & v      垃圾,乱扔


do with = deal with  处理   

throw away              扔掉  

take out                 拿出去、带出去

 make into             制成

two bags of garbage  两袋垃圾

more than             超过,多于   

less than               少于

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Let's Sort GarbagePPT,第三部分内容:预习成果展示



3.break(过去式)_________(过去分词) ________ (adj.)__________

4. empty(反义词)________ 

5. throw away      _________  

6.处理 ______________ = _____________


8.make into ___________

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Let's Sort GarbagePPT,第四部分内容:课堂研讨助学

活动一:Learn some new words



empty ['empti]


metal [‘metl] 


plastic [‘plæstɪk] 


recycle [riː‘saɪkl]


活动二:Listen to the dialogue and write true(T) or false (F) 

1. There is a lot of garbage: glass, metal, plastic and paper. (     )

2. There is the most amount of glass and the least amount of paper. (     )

3. Danny found Debbie’s toy car in the garbage. (     )

4. Danny once cut his foot on a piece of broken glass. (     )

活动三:Read the dialogue and answer the following questions

1.Why are Danny and Jenny surprised after sorting the garbage?

Because almost all of it can be reused or recycled! They need to throw only one small bag of garbage.

2.How do people waste paper?

They use paper only on one side.

3.What will Danny do with the broken toy car?

He will take it home and clean it. Then he will fix the broken wheel. Finally he will give it to Debbie.

4.Why is it dangerous to drop litter / rubbish carelessly? 

Because litter can hurt people.

活动四:Language points

1.Read the dialogue and find out other sentences with it

It is dangerous to leave broken glass on the ground.

It is not right to waste things.

It is a waste to use paper only on one side.


2.Danny empties two bags of garbage onto the floor

【点拨】此句中的empty为及物动词,意为“倒空;使……成为空的”,常和from, onto等介词搭配使用。empty...from…把……从……倒出;


3. Almost all of it can be reused or recycled.

情态动词的被动语态,其结构为“情态动词 + be + 动词的过去分词”,

否定句在情态动词后加not, 疑问句把情态动词提前。

如:Must the work be done at once? 

(2) almost=nearly 作副词,意为“几乎;差不多”。


1.We can plant trees every year. (被动)

Trees ________ ________ _______ by us every year.

2.The bike can be fixed(否定句)    

The bike _______ _______ fixed.

3.Tom will clean the classroom.(被动)

The classroom ______ _______ _______.

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Let's Sort GarbagePPT,第五部分内容:当堂训练检测

1.It’s not right ____________(waste) things

2.Danny , _______________(not throw) away the garbage.

3.It took him half an hour _______(finish) _______(repair) the computer

4.It is a waste __________(use) paper only on one side.

5.One of the wheels ________(be) broken. 

6.It’s dangerous _______(leave) broken glass on the ground .

7.Danny cut his foot on a piece of __________(break) glass.

8.We should plant many trees in spring (改为被动语态)  

Many trees ___________  _____  _________ in spring by us.

9.You needn't do it now. (被动) 

It _________ ______ _________ by you now

10. What do you do with the problem?

(同)  _______ do you ________ ________ the problem?

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Let's Sort GarbagePPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1. Finish exercises of Lesson 45.

2. Preview lesson 46.

关键词:冀教版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,Let's Sort GarbagePPT下载,Save Our World!PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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