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《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件


《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件

《Welcome Unit》Listening and Speaking PPT课件

第一部分内容:Warming up


/Teenage Dream/ /少年之梦/

《Teenage Dream》美国流行女歌手凯蒂•佩里演唱的一首流行歌曲,是凯蒂•佩里第三支登上美国公告牌百强单曲榜冠军的歌曲。该歌曲的创作灵感来源于她本人在青春期的愉悦感,会让我们感叹“青春可真是个好东西”。

You think I’m pretty without any make up on

You think I’m funny when I tell the punchline wrong

I know you get me

So I let my walls come down,down

Before you met me

I was a wreck but things were kinda heavy

You brought me to life

Now every February

You’ll be my Valentine,Valentine

Let’s go 1.___________ tonight

No regrets,just love

We can dance,until we die

You and I,will be young forever

You make me feel like I’m living a teenage dream

The way you turn me on

I can’t sleep

Let’s 2.___________ and

Don’t ever look back

Don’t ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me

Just one touch

Now baby I believe this is real

So take a chance and

Don’t ever look back

Don’t ever look back

We drove to Cali






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Welcome UnitPPT,第二部分内容:Speaking

As senior high school students, we all hope we will have a colorful school life.Look at the following pictures, imagine what activities you will take part in at school.

A.Give a speech.

B.Do some cleaning.

C.Listen to our teacher attentively.

D.Take an active part in after­school activities.

E.Ask our teacher for help.

F.Have a heated discussion with classmates.

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Welcome UnitPPT,第三部分内容:Listening

Ⅰ Amy is getting her student ID card.Listen to Conversation 1 and complete the table.(教材P2)

答案:Student NO.:170143; Name: Amy Jones; Nationality: America; Grade: In Grade 1; Email: coolgirl21@friends.com



A=Amy W=Mr Wang

[In the registration office.]

A: Good morning.My name is Amy Jones.I’m here for a student ID card.

W: Nice to meet you, Amy.I’m Mr Wang.Sit down, please.Er...Sorry, what’s your last name again?

A: Jones.J­O­N­E­S.

W: OK.Thank you.And where are you from?

A: I’m from the USA.

W: OK.What’s your student number?

A: 170143.

W: 170143.Got it.You’re in Grade 1, aren’t you?

A: Yes, I am.

W: OK.Your email address?

A: coolgirl 21@friends.com.

W: Cool...girl...21...at...friends dot com.Got it.Now, stand over here, please.Smile! [Sound of flash as photo is taken.]

Ⅱ Max meets Amy in the dining hall.Listen to Conversation 2 and tick Max’s favourite subject and Amy’s favourite subject.(教材P2)



M=Max A=Amy

[In the dining hall.]

M: Hi, Amy! How’s it going?

A: Great.How about you?

M: I’m good.Let’s go and sit down.

[They walk to a table.]

A: What do you think about senior high school?

M: So far, so good, Amy.I’ve had maths and English this morning.The maths class is getting more difficult but it’s really interesting.It’s my favourite class so far.How about you?

A: I think science is more fun.Chemistry’s my favourite.

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Welcome UnitPPT,第四部分内容:Discussing

Senior high school is a new start for us students and is of great importance.As a student, how would you plan to enjoy a colorful school life?


I will read widely to get more knowledge and broaden our view.

As far as I’m concerned, I will place my study before the other things.

I will take part in all kinds of after­class activities,which will broaden my view, enrich the school life and make me relaxed.

I will get along well with my classmates and learn all my subjects well as well.

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Welcome UnitPPT,第五部分内容:音标


元音 单元音

(12个) [iː][e][ɑː][ɔː][ɜː][uː][I][æ][ʌ][ɒ][ə][ʊ]


(8个) [eI][aI][ɔI][əʊ][aʊ][Iə][eə][ʊə]

辅音 清辅音 [p][t][k][f][s][θ][ʃ][ts][tʃ][tr][h]

浊辅音 [b][d][ɡ][v][z][ð][ʒ][dz][dʒ][dr]

鼻辅音 [m][n][l][ŋ][r]

半元音 [w][j]

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