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《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件


《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件

《Natural Disasters》Listening and Speaking PPT课件


/California Dreaming/ /加州之梦/

澳洲才女Sia献唱道恩•强森出演的新灾难片《末日崩塌/加州大地震》(San Andreas)(2015)主题曲《California Dreaming》。影片中的场景很震撼,在灾难面前,人类很无助。影片中所表现的父爱、母爱很让人感动,爱你的人对你的不离不弃也会让你收获能量。

All the leaves are brown

And the sky is grey

I’ve been 1.______________

On a winter’s day

I’d be 2.______________

If I was in L.A.

California dreaming

On such a winter’s day

I 3._______________

I passed along the way

Well I 4._____________ on my knees

And I pretended to pray

You know the preacher likes the cold

He knows I’m gonna stay

California dreaming

On such a winter’s day

All the leaves are brown

And the sky is grey

I’ve been for a walk

On a winter’s day

If I didn’t tell her

I could leave today

California dreaming

On such a winter’s day

... ... ...

Natural DisastersPPT,第二部分内容:Speaking

As is well known to us, there are some signs before an earthquake happens.Discuss with your partners about what happens before an earthquake.

Signs before the earthquake:

The water in the wells ____and_____.And some deep_________could be seen in the well walls.Some_________ gas came out of the cracks.

The chickens and even the pigs were too_________to eat, and dogs_________ to go inside buildings.

Mice ran out of the fields________places to hide.Fish ________out of their bowls and ponds.

People could see ________lights in the sky.

答案:Picture A:rose; fell; cracks; smelly

Picture B:nervous; refused

Picture C:looking for; jumped

Picture D:bright

... ... ...

Natural DisastersPPT,第三部分内容:Listening

Ⅰ Listen to the news reports and tick the disasters that you hear.(教材P48)

( ) earthquake ( ) tornado ( ) wildfire

( ) drought( ) landslide ( ) tsunami

( ) flood ( ) volcanic eruption



A=Anchor A

A: Good morning, it’s 17 April.A strong earthquake hit Ecuador yesterday.The 7.8­magnitude earthquake damaged many buildings, and early reports said that about 230 people were killed and more than 1,500 were injured.Volunteers and rescue workers are helping the survivors.


B=Anchor B

B: Good evening.Today is 27 March.More news about the floods in central China.The government is helping more than 12,000 people in Hunan and Jiangxi get away from the rising water.Homes and land have been destroyed, but no one has been killed.Rescue workers and soldiers are working day and night to make sure that people are safe.They are also bringing food and water to those whose homes were lost in the disaster.


C=Anchor C

C: Breaking news, Saturday 12 August.A tornado was just seen in southern Memphis, the USA.Eyewitnesses said that at 9:25 a.m., the tornado destroyed four homes.A police officer tells us that at least one person has died.More tornados are possible, and the police advise avoiding the area.


D=Anchor D

D:And in Seoul, a landslide damaged a library and a supermarket in a southern neighbourhood.The landslide was caused by the heavy rain that has fallen in Seoul over the past week.According to the police, no one was injured in the landslide but several cars were damaged.Those are the top news for today, Wednesday 21 July.

Listening Tips


Think about what you are listening for before you listen: numbers, dates, times, addresses, activities, people or places, reasons, etc.



(1)辅元连读:在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,需要将辅音和元音在一起连读。如:if I, for a walk, on a winter’s day。

(2)元元连读:第一种,在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词的发音以/I/或/aI/结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,中间加一个半元音/j/,如:I am...第二种,在一个句子或短语中,前一个单词的发音以/u/或/uː/结尾,后一个单词以元音开头时,加一个半元音/w/,如:you are, who are。



1.What will the woman do this afternoon?

A.Do some exercise.

B.Go shopping.

C.Wash her clothes.

2.Why does the woman call the man?

A.To cancel a flight.

B.To make an apology.

C.To put off a meeting.

3.What is Jane doing?

A.Planning a tour.

B.Calling her father.

C.Asking for leave.

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Natural DisastersPPT,第四部分内容:Discussing

Ⅰ 根据录音在空格处填入合适的内容。

Bad news, it’s 26 April.A strong earthquake 1.___________ the east at 1:25 a.m.on April 16,2019, at a depth of about 10 km, and another earthquake happened at 9:26 p.m.on April 27,2019, at a depth of about 11 km.The two earthquakes 2.___________ at least 40 people and more than one thousand people 3.___________.With so many buildings falling down and 4.___________,a great number of people have moved out of their homes.Soldiers and rescue workers 5.____________________ areas immediately.We hope that people in the disaster area can lead a normal life and have their beautiful homes 6._______soon.


1.at a depth of深度……

2.lead a normal life过着正常的生活

Ⅱ Work in groups and discuss the following questions.

1.What should you do if you are in the building when an earthquake happens?

2.What should you do if you are outside when an earthquake happens?

3.What should you do if you are trapped after an earthquake?

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