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《Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》PPT课件


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《Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》PPT课件《Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》PPT课件

《Thanksgiving is my favourite festival》PPT课件

Today we are going to learn more about


Flay Day  国旗日(6.14)

Thanksgiving Day  感恩节(11-4)

Christmas Day  圣诞节(12.24)

Some Western Festivals

New Year’s Day         新年

St. Valentine’s Day    情人节

Easter       复活节

Mother’s Day    母亲节

Father’s Day      父亲节

Thanksgiving       感恩节

Christmas Eve      平安夜(圣诞前夕)

Christmas Day     圣诞节

... ... ...


Chinese Traditional Festivals 

春节      the Spring Festival 

元宵节   the Lantern Festival 

清明节   the Qing Ming Festival 

端午节   the Dragon-Boat Festival

中秋节   the Mid-Autumn Festival

重阳节   the Double Ninth Festival

Let’s learn!

Daming: Can you tell me more about American festivals, Simon?

Simon: Well, Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.

Daming: What do you do on Thanksgiving Day?

Simon: We always have a special meal. It's a big family dinner.

Daming: That’s lovely.

Simon: On Thanksgiving Day we say “Thank you” for our food, family and friends.

Daming: That sounds nice.

... ... ...

Key sentences:

1. Can you tell me more about ...?

2. Thanksgiving is my favourite festival.

3. -What do you do on that day?

-I always …

Free talk:

1. Talk about a festival that you are familiar with.

2. Please use the sentences I gave you before.

... ... ...

From the two festivals we know:No matter in western countries or in China, when we have a holiday, we can have the holiday, eat delicious food, have a get-together(团聚), we can enjoy our holidays with our friends and family. But in the world ,there are some children can’t have a holiday like us, even(甚至) they don’t have a chance (有机会) to school.


1. Write a small passage about a festival. 

2. Tell us what you know about it. We can share it together.

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