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《I love history》PPT课件


《I love history》PPT课件 详细介绍:

《I love history》PPT课件《I love history》PPT课件

《I love history》PPT课件

Do you know my friend?

- He has got a round(圆的)face, and three hands, but he has no feet. 

- He works from day to night. 

- He tells me the time every day.

Let's say

-What time is it?

-It’s seven o’clock.

-What time is it?

-It’s nine o’clock.

-What time is it?

-It’s three fifteen.

It’s a quarter past three.

... ... ...

用 past ,  to 表示下列时间

1.8:05     five past eight

2.8:55     five to nine

3.1:15     a quarter past one

4.1:45     a quarter to two

Match the pictures with the sentences.

a. It’s half past eight.

b. It’s six o’clock.

c. It’s half past four.

d. It’s two o’clock. 

... ... ...

Let’s check (     ) the true sentences.

1. Lessons begin at eight.

2. They have four lessons in the morning.

3. Maths is difficult for Betty.

4. They have art on Monday.

5. History is interesting for Betty.

6. Tom’s favourite lesson is art.  

Complete the sentences with at,in or on.

I get up at six o’clock

1、We go to school _____the morning.

2、We don’t go to school _____Sunday.

3、I get up ______seven o’clock.

4、We don’t have a chemistry lesson _____Wednesday.  

5、We go home ______the afternoon.

6、We have dinner ______half past six.

... ... ...


(    )1.We have English_____nine o’clock.  

A. in     B. on   C. at  

(    )2.We don’t have Chinese____the afternoon. 

A. in     B. on     C. at

(    )3. Would you like to go to swim____Sunday?

A. in     B. on     C. at

(    )4.We ____like meat.

A. aren’t     B.are     C. don’t 

(    )5.It’s 4:30. 读作_____.

A. four past half   B.half past four

C. four and half

(    )6.A:What day is it today?

B: ____.

A. It’s half past six.  B. It’s six o’clock.

C. It’s Friday.

... ... ...


1. Remember the new words by heart.

2. Make a similar dialogue about your school timetable after class.

3. Write a short passage about your school day.

关键词:《I love history》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《I love history》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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