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《Language in use》Computers PPT课件3


《Language in use》Computers PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Language in use》Computers PPT课件3《Language in use》Computers PPT课件3

《Language in use》Computers PPT课件3

How do you do your homework on the computer?

First,open a new document.

Use the mouse and click“new document”.

Next, use the keyboard and  write your homework. 

Then,save the document.

Click“save”and write the name, click“save”again.

Finally, print the document.


... ... ...


含有行为动词的一般现在时的陈述句变特殊疑问句时,首先要根据询问的对象确定疑问词,疑问词有who (谁), what (什么东西), where (什么地方), which (哪一个), when / what time (什么时间), how (如何), how many (多少)等。一般来说,特殊疑问句的结构为“疑问词+ 一般疑问句?”。如:

1. —Where does Kate write her homework?  —In the school library.

2. —What do you do on Saturday? —Play computer games.

3. —When do they visit the website?—On Saturday evening.

4. —How do I print the document? —Click“print”and“OK”.

5. —How many emails do you get today?—Two.

... ... ...

Complete the conversations.

--- Where do your grandparents live?

--- They live in Australia.

1.--- ____________ save my document?

--- Click“save”and“OK”.

2. --- ___________ with his computer?

--- He sends emails.

3. --- __________ her computer?

--- She uses her computer every Sunday.

4. --- __________ emails to?

--- I write emails to my friends.

5. --- ____________ every day?

--- They send ten emails every day.

... ... ...

Good for you:

Computer gives us a lot of fun, but we can’t play computer games too long!

We use computer to study not to play.


I think using a computer gives us a lot of fun. We can download music. … But we can’t play computer games too long!

We use a computer to study …

Module task: Doing a questionnaire about computers.

Do you have a computer at home?

When do you use a computer?

What do you usually do on your computer?

How many emails do you send every week?

Do you often go online?

Do you make travel plans on the Internet?

What games do you play?

... ... ...



1. Mr Li usually ________ (use) a computer at work.

2. My father ___________ (not write) his novels on his computer.

3. _____ you ______ (have) a computer at home? 

4. Where _____ they _____ (live)?

5. How many e-mails _______ Li Ming _____ (send) every week?


1. They play computer games. (改为否定句)

They don’t play computer games.

2. He writes letters to me. (对画线部分提问)

Who does he write letters to?

3. I never check my e-mails on Monday. (对画线部分提问)

How often do you check your e-mails on Monday?

... ... ...

Ask and answer. Use usually and often.

do your homework/on your computer?

What games/play?

send emails?

who/ write to?

use/a computer at school?

download music?

What kind of music/ download?

... ... ...

Fill in the blanks:

Tony _____(not visit) his uncle, but he often ______(send) emails.

We ______(use) the Internet, but we ______(not play) games on our computer.

Daming _____(not use) a computer to do his homework, but he ______( download) music.


Attention: 不能用yes 或no来回答,要问什么答什么。 

1)How do I write my homework on the computer?

2)  How do I save the document?我怎样存储文件?

3)What’s the mouse?鼠标是什么?

4)What do I do next?我下一步做什么?

5)Where do I write the name? 我在哪里写名字?

6)Where’s the printer?打印机在哪里?

... ... ...


1. I often send emails to my friends. 

I don’t often send emails to my friends.

Do you often send emails to your friends?

2. She usually makes plans on the Internet.  

She doesn’t usually make plans on the ---.

Does she usually make plans on the ---.

3. They are from Europe.

They aren’t from Europe.

Are they from Europe?


____ you _______the computer?


___________ do you send?


_____ you often _______?


____ you _______on the computer?

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版七年级上册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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