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《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件4


《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件4 详细介绍:

《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件4《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件4《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件4

《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件4

Step 1.Warming-up

What are they doing?

She’s buying some clothes.

She’s having a piano lesson.

He’s checking his email.

She’s staying in bed.

He’s going over his lessons.

They’re having a picnic.

... ... ...

Step 2. Let’s learn and read

check one’s email 检查某人的电子邮件

have a piano lesson 上钢琴课

have a picnic  野餐

go to a party  去参加聚会

help with the housework  帮做家务

stay at home  呆在家里

do one’s homework  做作业

buy some clothes  买衣服

... ... ...

Step 3. Let’s listen and match

Listen and match the words in the Box 1with the words in Box 2. 

1. check      1. a movie

2. Go over   2. a piano lesson

3. have        3. a picnic

4. see          4. lessons

5. help        5. my email

6. have        6. with the homework

... ... ...



1. 用法:be going to +动词原形表示打算做某


She is going to check her email tonight.


2. 结构:be(are,am,is)+ going to + 动词原形

We are going to have a picnic on Saturday.


3. 时间状语:tomorrow, this …, next…, 

one day, tonight 以及还没到来的时间等。

... ... ...


肯定句:He is going to get up early on Saturday morning.

否定句:He isn’t going to get up early on Saturday morning.

疑问句:Is he going to get up early on Saturday morning?

回答:Yes, he is / No, he isn’t.

... ... ...


see a movie  have a piano lesson

A: What are you going to do?

B: I’m going to ________. What are you going to do?

A: I’m going to ________.

do his homework  play table tennis

A: What is he going to do?

B: He is going to ____________. What is she going to do?

A: She is going to __________.

... ... ...

Listen and repeat

— What’s he going to do?

— He’s going to do his homework.

— What’s she going to do?

— She’s going to buy some clothes.

— What are they going to do?

— They’re going to have a picnic.


Try to talk about what you are going to do this weekend. 

Try to use the future simple — be going to.

关键词:《What are you going to do at the weekends?》教学课件,外研版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What are you going to do at the weekends?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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