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《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件5


《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件5 详细介绍:

《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件5《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件5

《What are you going to do at the weekends?》Making plans PPT课件5


1、小组合作预习课文Module 3  Unit 1。


3、能运用一般将来时be going to来进行交际。


1、课本Page 14、Page 15.

2、课本Page 85的language notes.

There be 句型的 be going to 结构

There is going to be+不可数名、单数名词+...

There are going to be+名词复数+…..

... ... ...

the new words and phrases

plan   计划;打算  n.&v.

go over  温习;复习  v.

go over lessons  温习;复习功课

picnic   野餐  n.

have a picnic   吃野餐

else      其它,另外

... ... ...

What are you going to do at the weekend?

I’m going to get up early.

What are you going to do at the weekend?

I’m going to have a piano lesson.

What are you going to do at the weekend?

I’m going to check my email.

What are you going to do at the weekend?

I’m going to do my homework.

... ... ...

Listen to the dialogue in Activity3 and answer the questions .

1.What is Daming going to do on Saturday morning?

He is going to check his email and then do his homework.

2.What is Betty going to do on Sunday afternoon?

She is going to have a picnic.

Listen and repeat.

1.—What’s he going to do?

— He’s going to do his homework.

2. —What’s she going to do?

— She’s going to buy some clothes.

3. — What are they going to do?

— They’re going to have a picnic.

... ... ...


be going to do sth. 表示自己打算或计划做某事. 

be 的形式要根据主语来确定。

I’m going to check my email.

He/She is going to have a picnic.

We/They are going to get up early. 

What are you going to do at the weekend? 

What is he/she going to do at the weekend?

... ... ...


1. be going to do  ____________

2. have a piano lesson ________

3.查看邮件   ___________

4.帮忙做家务 __________

5.早起/起床早 _________

6.复习功课  ___________

7.呆/躺在家里 ________

Choose the right answer.

1.There ____ a lot of apples on the desk.

A. have    B. has    C. are   D. is

2. - Is he going to do his homework?

- Yes, ______.

A. he is   B. he does  C. he is going

3. Betty is going to visit her mother_____Sunday morning.

A. in     B.  on    C. at    D. with

4. My parents ____ going to read magazines tonight.  

A. is   B. do   C. am  D. are

... ... ...

关键词:《What are you going to do at the weekends?》教学课件,外研版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《What are you going to do at the weekends?》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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