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《It might snow》the weather PPT课件2


《It might snow》the weather PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《It might snow》the weather PPT课件2《It might snow》the weather PPT课件2

《It might snow》the weather PPT课件2

How can we know the weather?

We can know the weather through the weather forecast.

“the weather forecast” means “天气预报”

Who makes the weather forecast?

The weatherman makes the weather forecast. (天气预报员)

It is a unit for temperature (温度).

“℃” refers to degree, and centigrade.


cool — warm   cold  —  hot

多云的: cloudy  多雨的: rainy

下雪的:snowy   有风的: windy

晴朗的: sunny   寒冷的: freezing

... ... ...

Teaching aims

1.Key words :

cold snow storm cloudy rainy snowy windy skate

thick ice joke might temperature degree although

wet neither wish probably

2. key structure:

And it’s cloudy too, so it might snow.

It’s probably sunny and hot there.

3. Ability:

To understand conversation about weather.

To talk about possibilities.

... ... ...

Then listen and read.

Betty: Hey, boys!

Tony: Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingling. Where are you going?

Betty: We’re going to the park to skate. There’s thick ice on the lake. Are you coming with us?

Tony: Are you joking? It’s really cold today.

Daming: And it’s cloudy too, so it might snow.

Lingling: What’s the temperature?

Tony:It’s between minus eight and minus two degrees! Winter is colder here than in England.

Daming: Is it snowy in England in December?

... ... ...

Now check (√) the true sentences.

1 Tony and Daming are going to skate.

2 Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.

3 It sometimes snows in England in winter.

4 It usually snows in New York in winter.

5 It is not hot in the USA in Summer.

6 Tony does not like windy weather.

... ... ...

Language points

1. come on, better get going

better get going = had better go

最好现在走 / 去

如:We’d better get going

(=we’d better go now),or we’ll be late.


情态动词: must  may  might 

1. You must be joking!

2. It may not even be cold.

3. It might be windy.  

... ... ...


1.---Look! The man at the gate ___ be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning. 

--- No, it ________ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now. 

A. must, can’t B. must, mustn’t 

C. can’t, can’t D. can’t, mustn’t (2009·甘肃兰州)

2. ---____ I take some photos in the hall? 

---No, you ______.

A. Can; needn't     B. Must; mustn't 

C. Could; won't    D. May; mustn't(2009·广州) 

3.—Whose notebook is this? 

—It ____ Jane’s. It has her name on it. 

A. must be B. might belong to C. may be  (2009·山东淄博)

4.—May I watch TV for a while? 

—No, you ___ You have to finish your   homework first. 

A. shouldn't     B. needn't 

C. mustn't       D. won't(2009·湖北武汉)

... ... ...


Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.

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