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《Language in use》the weather PPT课件2


《Language in use》the weather PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Language in use》the weather PPT课件2《Language in use》the weather PPT课件2

《Language in use》the weather PPT课件2

may 和 might

1.may和might 用于一般疑问句中,表示委婉的请



-May I use your pencil?可以用你的铅笔吗?

-Yes, you may.是的,可以.

-No, you mustn’t.不,不行.

2. may和might 表示推测时,只能用于陈述句中,


She may not be working now.


John might be at home now.


3. 对过去发生的事情的可能性作出判断应用

may/might have done,用might比用may所表示的可能性更小.如:

She may/might have gone to the cinema.


They may/might not have received our telephone.


... ... ...


1.-I hear you’ve got a set of valuable Australian  coins.___ I have a look?

-Yes, certainly.

A. Do   B. May   C. Shall   D. Should

2.-Is John coming by train?

-He should, but he ___ not. He likes driving his car.

A. must    B. can   C. need   D. may 

3.-Sara has just come back from New York and she looks very happy.

-She___ her trip very much.

A. might enjoy   

B. should have enjoyed

C. might have enjoyed  

D. must enjoy

4.-Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?

-Sorry, I am not sure. But it ___ be.

A. might   B. will   C. must   D. can

... ... ...

Language practice 

It might snow.

It’s probably sunny and hot there.

Bring a map because you may want to travel around.

1 Complete the sentences with may or probably.

1. It____be cold and wet in Hong Kong in January.

2. Mary will____go to New York in the autumn.

3. It will____ rain tomorrow, so I will stay at home and read a book.

4. You____need to take a scarf with you. It is cold.

5. It ____ rain later, so take an umbrella with you.

6. It will____be sunny in Haikou tomorrow.

... ... ...

2 Work in pairs. 

Say what you usually do, then say what might do:

1.  in the evening

2.  at the weekend

during the summer holiday

— I usually do my homework in the evening, but I might watch a TV programme this evening.

... ... ...

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

1 What is the weather like in Tokyo?

It’s sunny in Beijing . The temperature is between minus and three degrees.

2 What is the temperature in London?

In London, it’s cloudy and the temperature is Between five and eight degrees. 

3 Is it raining in Lima?

No, it isn’t. It’s cloudy.

4 Which city has the coldest weather?

Moscow has the coldest weather. It’s between minus eight and minus four degrees

5 What is the weather like in Chicago?

It’s cold and windy in New York. The temperature is  between minus six and two degrees.

6 Which city has the highest temperature?

Sydney has the highest temperature.

... ... ...

Do you understand the words may, might, possible, possibly & probably?

might 是 may 的过去式,但表示可能性时没有很大区别,只是表示一般将来的可能性时,might 比 may 的可能性要小。因为 might 和 may 都是情态动词,所以,他们后面应加动词原形,即:

S (主语) + might/may + do sth.

possible, possibly, probably 的常用结构:

It is possible that .... 

It is possible to do sth. 

S (主语) + will probably / possibly + do sth. 


关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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