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《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT课件


《In Chinawe open a gift later》Way of life PPT课件 详细介绍:

《In China,we open a gift later》Way of life PPT课件《In China,we open a gift later》Way of life PPT课件

《In China,we open a gift later》Way of life PPT课件


What must I do when I enter your home?

You must take off your shoes.

What must I wear at school?

You must wear your school uniforms.

What must I do in class?

You must put up your hands when you answer a question.

You mustn’t eat or drink anything.

What must I do in the library?

You mustn’t talk loudly. 

You must keep quiet.

... ... ...

Listen and number the words and expressions as you hear them. 

baseball cap    chess set

chocolate        chopsticks

dictionary        toy

video game

Listen and answer the question.

1. Can Lingling open the present immediately?

Yes, she can.

2. What present did they buy for Lingling?

An dictionary.

... ... ...

Check (√) what you usually do in China.

1. Open a present immediately when you receive it.

2. Accept a present with both hands.

3. Use red paper for hongbao.

4. Do cleaning on the first day of the Spring Festival.

5. Break something during the Spring Festival.

6. Have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month.

Complete the passage with the words in the box. 

accept     attention     surprise     taste     traditions

It is always a(n) (1) _______ to receive gifts from family members and friends. In China, we usually (2) ______ a gift with both hands and open it later. But in the West, people usually do not pay much (3) ________ to that. 

During the Spring Festival, there are many (4) ______. For example, people in the north of China eat lots of jiaozi. They (5) _____ great.

... ... ...


1. You have already tried your best, so you ___ worry about the matter.

A. needn’t     B. mustn’t

2. Usually he writes ___ ink and___ his left hand.

A. in; by       B. in; with

3. It’s ___.

A. a bad luck   B. bad luck

4. -Can you play with a yo-yo, Jim?

-Yes, I ___. It’s easy.

A. must        B. can

5. -What did the head teacher say at the meeting?

-He said, “ We ___ be proud of working hard. We mustn’t be lazy.”

A. must       B. needn’t

6. You are very ill, so you ___ stay in bed for a week.

A. need       B. must

... ... ...


1. My brother is c______ happily with his friends by QQ.

2. — Can you help me h___ up the picture, Jack?

— No problem.

3. Jane came to see me i__________ after she arrived in Beijing.

4. Our English teacher can’t a_____ our invitation, because he is too busy.

5. — I passed the final exam yesterday.

— Wow, you are really a l____ dog.

... ... ...


1. Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions. 

2. 发挥想象,连词成文(50-70字)。

surprise, immediately, difference, accept, tradition, example, must, you’d better.


1. To preview the passage about customs and rules in England;

2. To practise the vocabulary.

关键词:《In China,we open a gift later》教学课件,外研版八年级上册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《In China,we open a gift later》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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