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《Daming wasn/t chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT课件3


《Daming wasn/t chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Daming wasn\t chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT课件3《Daming wasn\t chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT课件3

《Daming wasn't chosen for the team last time》Sports life PPT课件3

Learning aims:

1、To grasp the key words and key structures: Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time.(重点)

2、Listening skill: 

To understand conversations about Tony’s basketball matches . (难点)

代表 是…的缩写  stand for

记忆,回忆  memory

比分  point

决定  decision

(辩解的)理由,借口  excuse

中午  noon

座位,座椅  seat

决不,不可能  no way

公平的,合理地  fair

踢  kick

生气的,恼火的  mad

... ... ...

Listen and complete the sentences.

1 Tony’s basketball matches are held _______ Saturday.

2 If a school team in Beijing wins its match or scores over _______ points in a match, it can play in the competition.

3 Tony’s team BIG stands for Beijing ________ Giants.

4 BIG’s ______ think they are fantastic.

Listen  to Part 3 and answer the following questions.

1. Who is training for the big match next week?


2. When is the match?

Next Saturday at noon.

Mark T or F.

1. HAS stands for Haidian All Stars.(   ) 

2. HAS beat BIG because Daming was chosen for the team last time.  (   ) 

3. Tony has played three matches against HAS this year. (   ) 

... ... ...

Complete the sentences.

1 Tony looks tired because ________________________________.

2 Betty has seen HAS play this season, and she thinks _____________________.

3 Tony hopes BIG will _____.

4 Betty and Linging say that HAS will win because they want Tony to_______________.

Everyday English

That’s no excuse! 那不是理由!

No way! 绝对不可能!

Face the truth. 面对现实。

You’ve got no chance! 你没有机会了!

Nice work! 干得好!/ 干得不错!

... ... ...

language points

1. What does HAS stand for?

stand for表示“是……的缩写,代表;意味着”。

e.g. What does the letter UN stand for?


2. Who are you playing against?

play against表示“和某人/某队对抗,比赛”。

e.g. Our class will play against Class 

Three this weekend.


3. If my memory is correct, HAS 98 points to BIG 52.


If my memory is correct…表示“如果我没记错的话…”。

e.g. If my memory is correct, he lived in 

Beijing for a while.


4. That’s a bad decision.


make a decision表示“做决定”。

make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth.都表示“决定去做某事”。

... ... ...


●重点短语:stand for   make a decision

at noon    no way    nice work     Face the truth    be mad at

●重点句型:Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time. 


1. -What does the sign _______?

-It means “No parking”.

A. stand for     B. stand at       

C. look at        D. look for

2. He has a bad _______, so he often forgets something.

A. excuse      B. memory       

C. point        D. seat

3. -Have you made a decision ____ the movie?

-Yes, I have.

A. see           B. to see         

C. seeing      D. saw

4. His father is ____ at his low marks in the exam.

A. mad       B. angry      

C. nice       D. glad

... ... ...

II. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。

1. What does CCTV ______ _____(代表),             do you      know?

2. When did you take part in your school sports meeting ____ ______(上次)?

3. I’m sorry to say you’ve got ____  _____ (没机会) to win the match.

4. Tom said many bad words behind Jim, so Jim _______  ______  ______(对……恼火) him.

5. I believe it will  be ____ ______ ______  (一场困难的比赛) 

... ... ...


1.To write and recite the     words we’ve learnt today.

2.To talk about the pictures in groups, then write down the dialogue.

关键词:《Daming wasn't chosen for the team last time》教学课件,外研版九年级上册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Daming wasn't chosen for the team last time》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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