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《The game that they like most is Australian football》Australia PPT课件


《The game that they like most is Australian football》Australia PPT课件 详细介绍:

《The game that they like most is Australian football》Australia PPT课件《The game that they like most is Australian football》Australia PPT课件《The game that they like most is Australian football》Australia PPT课件

《The game that they like most is Australian football》Australia PPT课件


Let’s play a guessing game!

This is an animal that is black and white.

This is an animal that eats grass.

This is an animal that is from Africa.

This is an animal that looks like a horse.


Have you ever been to Australia?

How much do you know about it?

... ... ...

Task 1

Read Tony’s letter and find out what the four pictures on the right show.

P1:Ayers Rock and an Aborigine  

P2:A kangaroo

P3:A woman who is surfing 

P4:Fields, hills and sheep

Task 2

Read Para. 1 quickly and choose the best heading.

A. Ayers Rock is a center of local Aboriginal culture.

B. Ayers Rock and the Aborigines.

C. Aborigines are the first people in Australia.

Read Para. 1 again and answer the questions.

1. Where is Tony writing to his parents?

From the centre of Australia.

2. How did Tony go to see Ayers Rock?

He took a plane tour over it.

3. What’s Ayers Rock like?

It is 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high. During different periods of the day, the colours of the rock change.

4. What do the ancient Aboriginal stories describe? 

They describe the spirits that created the world.

... ... ...


Suppose you are Tony and now you are visiting Beijing. Write a letter to your parents and tell them about your visit. 

Begin and end the letter like Tony’s. Write about:

1 people 2 food  3 ways of life 

4 events during the trip

People: friendly, hospitable(热情好客的)

Food: rice and noodles, a lot of delicious food ,especially Beijing Duck

Ways of life: go to the  tea house and watch Beijing opera love sports, go dancing in the morning, do Taijiquan and Yangge

Events : On the first day …On the second day …This morning …This afternoon… Tomorrow …

... ... ...


1.Write a letter to a relative or a friend and tell them about your visit. Begin and end your letter like Tony’s.

2.Recite Para 1 and 2.


Dear Mum and Dad, I am writing this letter in a hotel of Beijing.

I arrived in Beijing yesterday by plane. We are staying in a hotel near the Tian’an Men Square, so we can see the ceremony of raising the national flag tomorrow morning.  

Yesterday afternoon, we visited the Great Wall. It is a great wonder.  I couldn't help singing when I reached the top of the Great Wall. I was given a prize for I was the first to climb to the top. It's really amazing to overlook the Beijing City from the Wall. Tomorrow we shall visit the Summer Palace. Best wishes !Amy

... ... ...

Language points

1. at the moment=now= at present

=at this moment

= at this time


at that moment  在那时

=at that time

=at the time

in a moment  一会儿以后

2.  on the first day   在第一天

3. … and I was surprised at how big it was: …

surprised  adj.  惊讶的,吃惊的

be surprised at    对...感到惊讶

be surprised to do sth

She didn't seem surprised at the news.


I was surprised to see him there.


... ... ...

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