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《We/d better get you to hospital》Look after yourself PPT课件2


《We/d better get you to hospital》Look after yourself PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《We\d better get you to hospital》Look after yourself PPT课件2《We\d better get you to hospital》Look after yourself PPT课件2《We\d better get you to hospital》Look after yourself PPT课件2

《We'd better get you to hospital》Look after yourself PPT课件2

What should you do?

see someone get an electric shock

Use a wooden stick to keep him away from the electricity.

become a couch potato (成天躺着或坐在沙发上看电视的人)

Advise her to eat less and do more exercise.

What should you do if you have an accident?

cut your finger / knee

Cover the wound with a clean cloth.

Try to stop bleeding.

hurt your shoulder

Go to the doctor’s.

break your arm

Don’t move.

Fasten it to a piece of wood.

... ... ...

1.Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1.Do you think the person is seriously hurt?

I think the person is seriously hurt because there is a nurse present./ It looks like a minor graze, so it is not a serious injury.

2.What do you think has happened to him?

He fell down and cut his knee.

2.Listen and answer the questions. 

1. Has Tony’s dad ever had an accident?

Yes, he cut his finger once, and he fell off his bike. 

2. How long did it take for the wound to get better after Tony’s dad cut his finger?

It took a month for the wound to get better.

3. What parts of his body hurt after Tony’s dad fell off his bike?

His knee and shoulder hurt after he fell off his bike. 

4. What is Tony reading about for his school trip?

He is reading about personal safety and accidents in the mountains.

... ... ...


Work in pairs. Try to retell the accident to your partner.

1) A: Who’s missing today?

B: John. He didn’t feel well and went to the hospital.

2) A: How do you feel?

B: Cold! I'm very cold! 

3) A: I am sorry I can’t go to your birthday party. My wife has been ill and I’ve got to take her to the hospital.

B: Very sorry to hear that. I hope it’s nothing serious.

Work in pairs. 

Talk about an accident you have had.

where it happened 

It happened on my way to school. 

what happened 

A car stopped in front of me. I fell off my bike. 

how you were hurt 

I cut my face, and hurt my arms and knees. 

how long it took to get better 

It was three weeks before I could ride my bike again. 

... ... ...

Language points

1. Look after yourself!

look after  照顾,照料

take care of   照顾; 照料

2. They’ll catch up in a few minutes.

catch up    追上,赶上


If you miss a lot of lessons, it’s very difficult to catch up.

3. Who’s missing?


Miss “错过;遗漏;思念”后跟名词、代词、动名词


His house is at the end of the street. You won’t miss it.

... ... ...


call on 拜访某人;号召

call at 参观某地

call for   喊着叫某人来;邀请,需要

call out 大声呼叫

call in 尤指向工作单位打电话汇报

call sb. in 请某人来帮忙

call up 打电话;召唤

... ... ...


Choose the proper phrases in the box.

have been to     call for help       

catch up with    wait for      happened to

1.  You will have work harder to ________ the top students in your class.

2.  I hear you ___________ Africa as a volunteer.

3.  The children can’t _________ the coming New Year.

4.  The young man had to ___________ at once on his mobile phone.

5.  The girl is missing. What’s __________ her?

Fill in the blanks with the right form of the verbs given.

1. An old woman asked him what was ________ (miss).

2. Suddenly, a car stopped in front of him and he ________ (fall) off his bike.

3. It’s getting late. You’d better ______ (take) a taxi to the airport.

... ... ...

Translate these sentences.

1. 如果你落下许多课, 就很难追上。

If you __________ lessons,_____________.

跑快点, 否则你追不上他。

Run fast, or you can’t catch up with him.

2.别担心, 没什么大事。

Don’t worry! Nothing serious.

3. 她出差时我将照看她的孩子。

I will _______ her child when she is on a business trip.

4. 他坐下来要了一些啤酒。 

He sat down and _______ some beer.


Please ______ me if you have problems.

关键词:《We'd better get you to hospital》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《We'd better get you to hospital》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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