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《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件


《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件

《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件

Free Talk

What’re they doing?

They are __________.

What do you think of smoking?

Is smoking good or bad for our health?

It’s bad for our health.

Smoking is bad for our lungs.

It can even cause cancer.

Smoking is bad for people around.

... ... ...

Read these sentences and pay attention to the tense in each.

I think it’s going to rain.

He fell over when he was running down the steps.

He’s hit his head and his leg hurts. I think he’s broken his leg.

Who’s missing?

Will I live?

... ... ...

Review of tenses



常用时间状语: usually, sometimes, in spring, every day, in the morning

结构:do / does

否定构成: don’t+动原 / doesn’t+动原


Do+主语+动原+其它?Yes, I do.

Does+主语+动原+其它?No, he doesn’t.


What do you often do on Sundays?

Where does he live?  


start, leave, go, come等动词的一般现在时可表示按规定、计划或安排预计要发生的事情,如The plane takes off at six past five.。客观真理在从句中也用一般现在时。   

... ... ...



常用时间状语:now, these days

结构: am / is / are + 现在分词(--ing)

am / is / are working

否定构成:am / is / are + not + 现在分词


Am / Is / Are+主语+现在分词+ 其它?

Yes, 主语+ am / is / are.

No, 主语+ am / is / are not.


What are you doing now?

Who is flying a kite there?


go, come, leave, arrive, return, die等动词的现在进行时可表将来, 主要表示最近按计划或安排要发生的 动作, 如I’m leaving tomorrow.。 

... ... ...


(        ) 1.The police found that the house _____ and a lot of things _____.

A. has broken into; has been stolen

B. had broken into; had been stolen

C. has been broken into; stolen

D. had been broken into; stolen

(       ) 2.Tom didn't go to hear the singer because he _____ him.    

A. heard      B. would hear 

C. has heard    D. had heard

(      ) 3.---Why didn't you come to the party?

---I ____ to come, but one of my friends came to see me just then.

A. wanted     B. was wanting 

C. had wanted     D. had been wanted

(       ) 4. Sorry, I've eaten up the food. I ____ that he would be back.

A. don’t think     B. wasn’t thinking

C. hadn’t thought    D. didn’t think

... ... ...


(      )1. —I called you at 4:00 yesterday  afternoon, but no one answered.

—Sorry, I _____ with my friends at that time. (2011河南省)

A. swim      B. swam 

C. will swim    D. was swimming

(       )2. Don't make so much noise. The children ______ an English lesson. (2011黑龙江绥化市)

A. have      B. are having      C. were having

(      )3. So far this year, many new houses _______ in Wenchuan with the help of the government. (2011四川资阳)

A. build      B. are built       C. will build     D. have been built

(      )4. I was very angry with John — he just _____ when I spoke to him. (2011江苏徐州)

A. isn’t listening       B. hasn’t listened  

C. didn’t listen         D. wasn’t listening

... ... ...

Complete the conversation.

bad   exercise    health   smoke     step

A: What’s that you’re wearing around your stomach?

B: It’s a new piece of technology that records how many _________ you walk each day. 

A: Why do you want to know? 

B: Because to keep fit, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day! It’s important, both for a_________ heart and for you to feel good.

A: You’re taking a sudden interest in exercise!

B: Yes. For the past couple of months, I’ve put on a lot of weight. I should spend some time _________.

A: But at least you’ve never taken up _________.

B: Yes, I’m really glad about that! Smoking is the _______ thing you can do for your health.

... ... ...

Listen and answer the questions.

① Where does the conversation take place?

The conversation takes place in a doctor’s office.

② Who is talking?

Mr. Maxwell and the doctor  are talking.

③ What’s the problem?

Mr. Maxwell wants to give up smoking. 

... ... ...

Choose the correct answer.

① Kate is writing to her father because ______.

a) he has stopped smoking 

b) she missed her father

c) she wants him to stop smoking 

d) her mum asked her to

② Kate has found out that smoking ______.

a) isn’t so bad

b) causes many illnesses

c) makes people think slowly

d) outside is dangerous

③ Kate’s mother doesn’t like ________.

a) smoking outside 

b) the smell of Kate

c) the smell in the house 

d) the smell of smoke in the house 

④ Kate is afraid that ________.

a) she and her mother will fall ill 

b) her clothes will smell of smoke 

c) she will start to smoke 

d) she can’t help her father 

... ... ...

Module task: Giving health advice to people 

Work in groups. Give advice for the following problems.

First have a discussion about the problems. Then write some advice for each problem.

Useful expressions

You should / shouldn't …

You’d better …

It’s a good idea …

To …, try (not) to …

It’s important to …

How / What about …?

Why don't you …?

... ... ...

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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