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《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件2


《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件2《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件2

《Language in use》Look after yourself PPT课件2


I think it’s going to rain.

He was running along the wall when he tripped.

He has cut his head, and his shoulder hurts.

When did he fall?

Will he live?

Here are six rules for a healthy life.

When farmers were working in the fields, they were keeping fit at the same time.

When we were babies, we slept for much of the day.

... ... ...

Read Jack’s diary and choose the correct answer to complete each sentence.

7 am —9 am : gym

10 am —12 pm : swimming

2 pm —3 pm : yoga

4 pm —5 pm : football

5 pm —6 pm : rest

7 pm —9 pm : badminton

10 pm : bed

... ... ...


1. Jack ____ sport and exercise

a) loves     b) is loving    c) has loved    d) was loving

2. Earlier this morning, he _____ to the gym.

a) is going    b) has gone    c) went    d) goes

3. Six hours ago, he_____.

a) is swimming     b) was swimming

c) swam      d) has swum

4. But now it’s 5 pm He ____ a rest.

a) has   b) is having    c) will have    d) had

5. He _____ football for an hour.

a) is just playing    b) will play

c) play      d) has just played

6. He usually ____ badminton from 7 pm—9 pm.

a) plays      b) is playing

c) will play     d) is going to play

7. Of course, he ____very tired by 10 pm tonight.

a) is     b) was     c) will be    d) were

... ... ...

Complete the conversation with the words and expressions in the box.

couch potato   exercise  need 

put on  smoking  steps   worst

A: What’s that you’re wearing around your waist (腰部)?

B: It’s a new piece of technology that records how many(1) _____ you take each day.

A: Why do you want to know?

B: Because to keep fit, you(2) _____ to take at least 10,000 steps a day! It’s important, both for a healthy heart and to feel good, too.

A: You’re taking a sudden interest in(3) _______!

B: Yes. I realised that for the past couple of months, I’ve been a(n) (4) _______. I haven’t done any exercise at all. I’ve(5) ______ weight, too.

A: But at least you’ve never taken up(6) ________.

B: Yes, I’m really glad about that! It’s the (7) ______ thing you can do for your health.

... ... ...


Read the passage and match the sentences with the paragraphs.

a) Kate asks her father to stop smoking. _______

b) Kate tells her father why smoking is bad for other people. _______

c) Kate explains why she’s writing the letter. ____

d) Kate tells her father why smoking is bad for him. _______

Choose the best answer.

1. Kate is writing to her father because ____.

a) he has stopped smoking

b) she likes smoking

c) she wants him to stop smoking

d) she misses her uncle

2. Kate has found out that smoking ____.

a) isn’t so bad

b) is worse than she had thought

c) helps you think better

d) outside does no harm

... ... ...




用法:经常性的和习惯性的动作。常用时间状语 usually, sometimes, in spring, every day, in the morning

动词构成 :动词原形     work


否定构成:don’t+动词原形    doesn’t+动词原形 

一般疑问构成及简答:Do+主语+动词原形 +其他?Yes, I do.

Does+主语+动词原形 +其他?No, he doesn’t.

特殊疑问句举例 :What do you often do on Sundays?

Where does he live?    

注意: start, leave, go, come等的一般现在时可表示按规定将要发生的动作。 


用法:说话时正在进行的动作或当前一段时间正在进行的动作。常用时间状语 :now, these days

动词构成 :am/is/are+现在分词(-ing)

am/is/are working

否定构成 :am/is/are+not+现在分词

一般疑问构成及简答:Am/Is/Are+主语+现在分词+ 其他?

Yes, I am (he is) . No, they aren’t.

特殊疑问句举例:What are you doing now?

Who is flying a kite there?

注意:go, come, leave, arrive, return, die等的进行时,有时表示即将发生的动作。

... ... ...



1. I don’t know if my friend _____.If he ____,I’ll let you know.

A. comes; comes        B. comes; will come

C. will come; comes   D. will come; will come

2.There_________two meetings tomorrow afternoon.

A. are going to be        B. are going to have

C. is going to be      D. will have

3. It______3 years since I___ to No.1 Middle School.

A. is; come   B. is; have come  C. was; came   D. is; came

4.Father_________when I _________yesterday morning.          

A. still slept; got up   B. was still sleeping; got up

C. is sleeping; got upD. sleeps; get up

... ... ...


Go over the words and useful expressions in Module 6.

关键词:《Language in use》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Language in use》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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