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《Could you please clean your room?》PPT课件13


《Could you please clean your room?》PPT课件13 详细介绍:

《Could you please clean your room?》PPT课件13《Could you please clean your room?》PPT课件13《Could you please clean your room?》PPT课件13

《Could you please clean your room?》PPT课件13

课 前 预 习


1. 扔;掷v._________________     

2. 也不adv.两者不pron.________  

3. 衬衫n. ______________________


4. throw down_________________

5. come over__________________

6.take the dog for a walk___________

7. all the time________________________

8. all day/evening____________________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1. You should _______ (扔) away the rubbish into the dustbin. 

2. ________ (两者都不) of them did any housework for a week.

3. You could wear a ______(衬衫) and tie to her party.  

4. “What happened?” she asked in ________ (惊讶地).

5. “No, you watch TV all the time.” she replied ______ (生气地). 


6. 你成天看电视,在家从不帮忙。

You watch TV _________ and never _________ around the house. 

7. 我和你一样累。

I am just ___________ you are!

8. 整整一周,他没干任何家务,我也不干。

For one week, she did not do _________ and __________ I.


(    )11. For one week, she didn’t say a word to me and _____ to her.

A. neither did I   B. neither I do     C. neither am I   D. neither I did 

(    )12. Neither of them _____ drinking coffee. They think it is terrible. 

A. enjoy B. enjoys   

C. enjoying    D. to enjoy

(    )13.“What should I do?” he asked me ______ surprise. 

A. To    B. on    C. in    D. of

... ... ...


Most kids hate doing chores. If you think up some creative ways, you can get your kids to help you do chores. 

First, for older kids, you may give them some allowance. You can fix up a list of chores for your kids to do each week. If they complete these chores, you can give them the money. Older kids like to do things on weekends or buy things like video games, so they will work hard to finish their chores for the money. This is also teaching them that they must work hard for what they want.

If you are dealing with younger kids, you may design a chart and list the chores for them. If they finish one chore, you can put a red flower beside it. Or you can do a number of things for them, such as taking them to eat outside or play in the park, buying a small gift for them or something similar. 

As for real small kids, just turn cleaning into a game. You can teach much younger kids to dance around and sing as you clean. The kids love it and would do a wonderful job at picking up their toys. 

(   ) 1.You can give ______ some money to get them to help you do chores.

A. older kids     B. younger kids

C. real small kids  D. most kids

(   ) 2. Older kids will _______ if they need to spend money on weekends.

A. hate doing chores

B. work hard 

C. do things on weekends 

D. buy video games

(   ) 3. For a younger kid, if he finishes one chore well, you can do a number of things except _______.

A. put a red flower beside   B. take him to eat outside

C. teach him to sing and dance     D. buy him a small gift 

(   ) 4. The underlined word “allowance” means _______ in this passage.

A. 允许   B. 夸奖   C. 技能   D. 零花钱

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