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《I/ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件14


《I/ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件14 详细介绍:

《I\ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件14《I\ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件14《I\ve had this bike for three years》PPT课件14

《I've had this bike for three years》PPT课件14

课 前 预 习


1. 现今,现在,目前 adv. _____________

2. 搜索;搜查 v.&n.________

3. 在(其)中;……之一prep.__________

4. 彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔)n. _________

5. 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧n. _______________

6. 将……视为;把……认为v. _________

7. 数数 v. _________

8. 百年;世纪 n. _________


14. according to __________

15. close to ___________

16. once or twice _____________

17.search for _______________

18. in one’s opinion_______________

19. be true of _________________

20. the mid-20 century_____________

21.in one’s time__________________

23.a symbol of ______________

... ... ...

课 堂 小 测


1.EXO is a famous pop team and they are popular a_________ young people.

2.In my hometown, there is a big tree o_________ the school building.

3. Let’s c _________ down together: ten, nine, eight, seven…  

4. The policemen were s_________ for the lost boy in the whole city.

5. In Shantou, people eat all kinds of food, _________(尤其) rice and fish.


6. 一些人一年回家乡一到两次。

Some people go back to hometown only _________________ a year.

7. 我的家乡不会一成不变的。

My hometown can’t always ________________.

8. 人们搜寻那只老虎已经三个小时了。

People _________ the tiger _______________.

... ... ...

课 后 作 业




Looking for a great way to clear out your unwanted and old things, and make some money at the same time? A yard sale may be just the best choice. Yard sales are easy to plan. 

You can start by collecting things for sale. Go through those boxes, closets or garages and choose things you can sell. Then walk from room to room in your home, searching for things you no longer need. Here are some tips may help you:

It can be hard to part with things, even if you never use them. If you haven't used something for over a year, it's a good sign you won't miss it.

Sell anything you don't want or use anymore like clothes that don't fit you, dishes that you never use, outdated game systems, shoes, board games that you've played, soft toys, and other unwanted things.

... ... ...

B. 书面表达

假设你是Jack, 你打算在你家院子举办一次庭院拍卖,请你根据以下信息,邀请你的好朋友Amy来参加你的庭院拍卖会。

1. 庭院拍卖会的时间和地点(星期天早上八点到下午四点, 在你家庭院)

2. 简介拍卖会上所卖物品。(大多数为你的童年物品,包括旧玩具,旧图书,旧自行车和旧运动用品,另外还有一些旧衣物。)

3. 介绍其中你最喜欢的一件童年物品。(包括这件物品的拥有时间,你如何得到它,以及喜欢它的原因。)





第一步:介绍拍卖会的时间和地点。(星期天早上八点到下午四点, 在你家庭院)


1. I'm going to ________ at ______ on ______.

第二步:简单介绍拍卖会上的物品。(大多数为你的童年物品,包括旧玩具,旧图书,旧自行车和旧运动用品,另外还有一些旧衣物。)参考句型:1. There are some ______ on sale.  2. I'll sell ______. 3. You can buy_____.



1. My favorite thing from childhood is ______. 

2. I have had it for/since ______. 

3. ______ got it me. 

4. I like it very much because _______.

5. It’s special to me because _______. ______ has given me so many memories. 

6. I remember when _______.

第四步: 检查自己的写作。(1. 要求的3个内容都写到了吗?2. 有否语法错误?)

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