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《I/m so happy》SectionA PPT


《I/m so happy》SectionA PPT 详细介绍:

《I\m so happy》SectionA PPT《I\m so happy》SectionA PPT《I\m so happy》SectionA PPT《I\m so happy》SectionA PPT

《I'm so happy》SectionA PPT

第一部分内容:Listen and answer.

1. Why does Kangkang feel excited?

Because his father and mother want to invite Jane’s parents to go to the movie.

2. What movie are they going to see?

The Sound of Music. 

3. When are they going to see the movie?

This Saturday.

4. What will Kangkang’s mom do?

She will prepare some delicious food for them.

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《I'm so happy》PPT,第二部分内容:Key points

1. How are you doing? 相当于How are you?意为“你最近好吗?” 

2. You look so excited.

look是系动词,后接形容词excited 做表语,

构成系表结构。常见的这类动词有: feel, 

smell, sound, taste, turn, get, become, go等。如:

Trees turn green in spring.


3. Guess what! My father and mother 

want to invite your parents to go to the 

movie. 猜猜看!我父母想邀请你们的父


1) Guess what! 用于即将告诉某人令其


2) want  的用法:

want sth. 想要某物 

I want a new pen. 


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《I'm so happy》PPT,第三部分内容:Ask and answer

1c. Ask and answer questions in pairs based on 1b.

Pay attention to the underlined parts.


A: How do the parents feel?

B: They feel happy. 

A: Why do they feel happy?

B: Because they will go to see the movie.

1d. Read 1a and complete the passage. 

Kangkang looks ______ because his parents want to ______ other children’s parents to go to see the movie, The Sound of Music, this _______. The children plan to ______ the evening at his house. His parents will prepare some _______ food for them. Jane’s parents will feel ________ about the news. Kangkang saw Mr. Brown on his way.  Mr. Brown was disappointed because he couldn’t buy a _______ to the film.  

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《I'm so happy》PPT,第四部分内容:Project

1.Collect as many adjectives about feelings as you can.

2.Make conversations using the information on the table.

A: How are you doing, Mike?

B: Very well, thank you. You look happy. Why?

A: Because … What about you, Maria? How do you feel?

C: I feel…

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《I'm so happy》PPT,第五部分内容:Summary

We learn

New words:invite, smell, film, disappointed

Linking verbs:be, look, feel, smell, taste, sound

Adjectives about feelings: happy, angry, excited,  

disappointed, upset, frightened

Sentence pattern: How are you doing? Very well, thanks. 

We can 

Use the structure:linking verbs + adjectives

Talk about our feelings. 

Use “because” to talk about the reasons. 

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《I'm so happy》PPT,第六部分内容:Exercises

1.- How is your father doing? 

- He is very _____ (good/well). Thank you.

2.English is _____ _____ my favorite _______(最喜欢的学科之一) .

3.David wants to _______(邀请) some friends to his birthday party this Friday evening.

4.- Helen, you ______ _______(看起来不高兴) . What’s the matter?

- I can’t find _____ _____ _____(……的票) Han Hong’s concert(音乐会).

5.You must ______ _____ _____(道谢) him or her if getting one’s help. 

6.The _______ (气味) of roses is very nice. 

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《I'm so happy》PPT,第七部分内容:Homework

1. Complete 4 on Page 2.

2. Make more sentences including linking words.

关键词:仁爱版八年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,《I'm so happy》PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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