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《How about exploring Tian/anmen Square?》SectionC PPT


《How about exploring Tian/anmen Square?》SectionC PPT 详细介绍:

《How about exploring Tian\anmen Square?》SectionC PPT《How about exploring Tian\anmen Square?》SectionC PPT《How about exploring Tian\anmen Square?》SectionC PPT

《How about exploring Tian'anmen Square?》SectionC PPT

第一部分内容:Word competition

monument   n. 纪念碑

rostrum  n. 指挥台,主席台

announce    v. 宣布,宣告

meaningful   adj. 意味深长的

chairman   n. 主席

memorial   adj. 纪念的,悼念的

found   v. 创办,建立

迫不及待地做某事  can’t wait to do sth. 

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《How about exploring Tian'anmen Square?》PPT,第二部分内容:Ask and answer. 

What do you know about  Tian’anmen Square? (location, area, length & width)

What are the great buildings there?

What are Kangkang, Michael and Darren going to do?

How far is it? 

How are they going there? 

Find out and learn the new words.

tour  n. 旅游,观光

space  u.n. 空间;空地

push  v.& n. 推

direction  n. 方向,方位

step  v. 踩,走;  n.台阶,脚步

beside  prep.在…… 旁边

sad adj. + ly → sadly adv. 

slow adj. + ly → slowly adv. 

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《How about exploring Tian'anmen Square?》PPT,第三部分内容:Read again and mark T (True) or F (False). 

1. The children got to  Tian’anmen Square after an hour’s ride. (     )

2. The parking lot was too crowded to park their bikes. (     )

3. Someone stepped on Michael’s feet. (     )

4. Darren was lost but, at last, Kangkang and Michael found him. (     )

Choose the words to complete the passage with the proper forms. 

as soon as,  by bike,  be full of, take, step, trouble,

beside,  direction,  push,  space,  surprise,  be lost

It _____ Kangkang, Michael and Darren one hour and a half to get to Tian’anmen Square _____ _____. They found the parking lot _____ _____ ____ tour buses, cars and bikes. They had to look for ______ to park their bikes. After that, they walked to the square. They felt very ________ to see the square. 

More and more people came to the square and they ______ Darren in all _________. Someone ________him on his feet then. Darren had _______ looking for his friends and he ______ _____ because of the crowd of people. He was so worried that he didn’t know what to do. So he sat on a step ______ a tree sadly. But luckily, Kangkang and Michael found him at last. ____ ____ ____ they saw each other, they jumped happily.

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《How about exploring Tian'anmen Square?》PPT,第四部分内容:Ask and answer. 

What did Bill do last month? 

Where is Jiuzhaigou?

What is Jiuzhaigou famous for? 

What did Bill’s father do before their trip?

What did Bill think of the monkeys and pandas there?

How was their trip?

How did Bill feel?

What is Bill’s email about?

tour, trip & travel

tour: “n.  周游”,指途中在许多地方作短暂停留的观光旅游。

trip: “n. 旅行”,指往返有定的短途旅行,强调在途中所花的时间和行程。

travel: “v. & n.旅行”,表示旅行的路途远,时间长。

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《How about exploring Tian'anmen Square?》PPT,第五部分内容:Summary

We learn

New words and expressions: 

be full of, tour, space, push, direction, step, beside, experience

Adverbial clauses of time: 

After parking their bikes, they walked to the  Tian’anmen Square. 

We can 

Write about our own travel experience. 

Tell stories by using adverbial clauses of time. 

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《How about exploring Tian'anmen Square?》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1. Review the key words and useful expressions in Section C. 

2. Try to write more sentences with the conjunctions “before, after, when, while, as soon as, not … until”. 

3. Talk about your own travel experience. 

4. Preview Section D. 

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