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《We will have a class fashion show》SectionB PPT


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《We will have a class fashion show》SectionB PPT《We will have a class fashion show》SectionB PPT《We will have a class fashion show》SectionB PPT

《We will have a class fashion show》SectionB PPT

第一部分内容:Speak out the names of these things.

size  n.尺寸,大小

It’s a jacket. 

It’s a leather jacket. 

It  looks cool.

leather   adj.皮制的  n.皮革

It’s a windbreaker. 

It has two big pockets.

I like it very much.

It will make me more handsome.

windbreaker   n.风衣

pocket   n.口袋

handsome  adj.英俊的

... ... ...

《We will have a class fashion show》PPT,第二部分内容:Key points 

1. I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look great.


so that 意为“以便,为的是”,引导目的状语从句; in order to 也有“以便;为的是” 的意思,后接动词原形表目的。 


I got up very early this morning so that I could catch the first bus.

= I got up very early in order to catch the early bus. 

2. It’s such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it at once. 


such…that…意为“如此······以至于······”,引导结果状语从句;有时可以和so…that…结构互换。此句也可表达为:The windbreaker is so cool that you should buy it immediately.

3. — What size do you take? 你想要多大号的?

— Size M. 中号。

 What size… 表示“······多大号码”,通常用来询问人的衣、裤、鞋、帽的尺寸。

如:What size are your shoes?

size M 意为 “中号”,M是medium(中等的,中间的)的缩写。size S意为“小号”,S 是small 的缩写。size L 意为“大号”,L 是large的缩写。size XL 意为“特大号”,XL是extra large 的缩写。

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《We will have a class fashion show》PPT,第三部分内容:Project

Talk about your friends' clothes with so...that...,so that or such... that... .Try to admire your friends' clothes. The following words may help you.




A:Wow,your T-shirt is so bright that you look cool.

B:Thank you. Your dress is so nice that I want to buy one  for my sister.

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《We will have a class fashion show》PPT,第四部分内容:Exercises in class

一、用so …, so … that… , so that …和such …that …填空。 

1. We study English hard, ____our English teacher is very happy.

2. The price of the leather jacket is ____expensive ______I can’t afford it.

3. Miss Wang planned very well ____ _______her students enjoyed a good trip.

4. He is _____ a clever boy _______every teacher likes him very much.

5. The football match was _____ exciting______ I shouted again and again.


(      ) 1. — Why do you sit in front of the classroom?

— I sit here _____ I can see clearly.

A. when   B. in order   C. such as   D. so that

(      ) 2. — _______ do you need?

— Size 39.

A.How many    B. How mch    C.How size    D. What size

(      ) 3. — How much is the MP3?

— It’s 500 yuan.

— Oh, it’s _____ expensive _____ I can’t afford it.

A. too; to   B. so; that   C. such; that   D. too; but

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《We will have a class fashion show》PPT,第五部分内容:Summary

We learn:

1. Some new words and phrases: 


what size,so that,such...that...

2. The usage of adverbial clauses of result and purpose:

I want to buy a windbreaker so that I will look great.

It’s such a cool windbreaker that you should buy it at once.

We can:

Use the expressions about choosing clothes:

—What would you like to buy?

—I’d like this T-shirt and the cotton pants with two big pockets.

—What size do you take?

—Size M. 

—What do you want, Jane?

—I want a purple silk hat and a cotton dress.

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《We will have a class fashion show》PPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1. Make five sentences with so …, so … that…,

such …that … and … so that … 

2. Finish Section B in your workbook.

3. Preview Section C.

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