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《He said the fashion show was wonderful》SectionB PPT


《He said the fashion show was wonderful》SectionB PPT 详细介绍:

《He said the fashion show was wonderful》SectionB PPT《He said the fashion show was wonderful》SectionB PPT《He said the fashion show was wonderful》SectionB PPT

《He said the fashion show was wonderful》SectionB PPT


catwalk  n.狭长表演台,T形台

cheongsam  n.旗袍

traditional  adj.传统的;惯例的

minority  n.少数民族;少数

Tibetan costume


Korean costume


... ... ...

《He said the fashion show was wonderful》PPT,第二部分内容:Key points 

1. The model in the center of the catwalk looks so beautiful.


in the center of the catwalk 是介词短语作定语,修饰the model。介词短语作定语时,一律后置。如:

重庆的火锅很有名。The hot pot  in Chongqing is very famous.

2. It's a traditional dress for Chinese women, and it's becoming popular in the world of high fashion.它是中国妇女穿的一种传统服装,而且它在高级时装领域内正逐渐流行起来。

(1) a traditional dress传统服装,traditional 传统的。

(2) in the world of...  在......领域 如:在足球界  in the world of football

3. Here come another three models, … 又过来三个模特,......

another 作形容词时,意为“又一个,再一个”,其结构为

another + 单数可数名词=one more+单数可数名词 

another +数词+复数可数名词=数词+more+复数可数名词   如:

Please drink another cup ( = one more cup) of tea.请再喝一杯茶。

Where shall we be in another ten years ( = ten more years)?


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《He said the fashion show was wonderful》PPT,第三部分内容:Listen and follow.

Jane:   Look, Sarah. Here come the models!

Sarah: Wow! The model in the center of the catwalk looks so beautiful. What a nice dress!

Jane:   That’s not a common dress. People call it a cheongsam. It’s a traditional dress for Chinese women, and it’s becoming popular in the world of high fashion.

Sarah: Look at the second one. She’s wearing a Kimono. Wow! What is the third model wearing?

Jane:   I guess it’s a traditional Russian costume.

Sarah: Oh, you are right. Here come another three models, and they are all in minority costumes.

Jane:   Yes, the first one is in the Zhuang minority costume. And the second one is in Korean costume. But I'm not sure about the last one.

Sarah:  Wow, Jane. You know a lot about fashion. That’s really cool!

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《He said the fashion show was wonderful》PPT,第四部分内容:Project

Describe a fashion show

Did you watch a fashion show? Please describe it to your partner.The following questions may help you.

1. When and where did you watch the fashion show ?

2. Who did you go with? 

3. How many models did you see in the fashion show?

4. What did the models wear ?

5. Which model do you like best? Why?

6. Did you take photos there?

7. Did you buy some new clothes there?

8. What do you think of the models and the fashion show?

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《He said the fashion show was wonderful》PPT,第五部分内容:Exercises in class


1. The cheongsam is a well-known item of Chinese t__________ clothing.

2. There are 55 m__________ in our country.

3. The cheongsam is becoming popular ______________(在.....领域)  high fashion.

4. The model _______________ (在······中央) the catwalk looks so beautiful.

5. We can't finish the work on time,we need  a_______two hours.


(      ) 1. Judy said that she ________a  nice skirt in Beijing.

A. buy   B. buys   C. bought    D. buying

(      ) 2. That’s not a common dress . People___it a cheongsam.

A. called   B. is calling   C. call   D. is called

(      ) 3. ---Would you like ___bowl of rice? 


A. other  B. another  C. the other  D. others 

(      ) 4. Look !Here ____!

A. the bus come       B. come the bus 

C. comes the bus     D. the bus comes

(      ) 5. He asked the salesgirl _____________________.

A. how much is the T-shirt    B. how much was the T-shirt

C. how much the T-shirt is    D. how much the T-shirt was

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《He said the fashion show was wonderful》PPT,第六部分内容:Summary

We learn:

1. Learn some new words and phrases:


Korean,in the world of,in the center of,high fashion

2. Object clauses:

I guess it’s a traditional Russian costume.

She said Jane knew a lot about fashion.

She asked what kind of costume the model was wearing

We can:

1.Talk about different national costumes. 

2.Talk about the fashion show.

Here come the models!

The model in the center of the catwalk looks so beautiful.

What a nice dress!

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《He said the fashion show was wonderful》PPT,第七部分内容:Homework

1.Read 1a aloud and try to repeat.

2.Finish Section B in your workbook.

3.Preview Section C.

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